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Apr 19th 2023
60-Second SEO: One of my favorite "SEO secrets" is the "&filter=0" operator.

You can use this operator to see pages that Google is filtering out of the search results and identify competing content.
This was a great tip given me to years ago by the great @patrickstox .

By using this filter, you can get an idea of what the "true search results" look like before Google has applied domain clustering. Thus you can see which pages in a SERP Google wants to display but doesn't
In this example, I used it for the query "abm guide". In the first SERP, there's only one result from Drift. Image
Read 7 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
10 Image Optimization Tips for better SEO (Technical SEO)

A thread with important points.

#SEO #TechnicalSEO
1⃣ Compress your images: Use tools like TinyPNG or JPEGoptim to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing quality.

#SEO #TechnicalSEO
2⃣ Use the correct file format: JPEG is best for photographs, PNG is best for graphics with transparent backgrounds, and GIFs are best for animations.

#SEO #TechnicalSEO
Read 11 tweets
May 14th 2022
"I have nooooo idea what to do with all this @screamingfrog information" - @danielkcheung, circa 2018-2020

If you want to learn to do some #technicalseo with one of the best crawling tools out there, here is a 🧵for you.
.@screamingfrog is a crawler that you download and install onto a local or virtual machine. It allows you to crawl almost any website.

I use it as part of my technical seo audit and their customer service is 🔥

However, the initial learning curve is steep.
If you've looked at a finished @screamingfrog crawl and felt overwhelmed - you're NOT alone.

I, and many others, were in your EXACT shoes.

It's ok
You've got this💪🏽

⏩ Here a 9 tips to make your life with Screaming Frog easier, more enjoyable, and F-U-N👇
Read 21 tweets
May 11th 2022
How to rank for a head term keyword via long tail keywords, without link-building, for new niche websites, service-based businesses, and any type of website.

🎁Plus a bonus FREE @googledocs content brief template.

First of all, head terms are popular searches.

For example:
▪️ wedding dress
▪️ bitcoin
▪️ credit card
▪️ iPhone
▪️ SEO freelancer
▪️ dentist near me
▪️ jeans

But here's the thing: ranking for head terms are f*cking competitive. Like seriously 💀😅
Eg, using @semrush, "wedding dresses" has a global search volume of 1.2 million PER MONTH and the regional breakdowns are *very* respectable.
Read 26 tweets
May 8th 2022
Does #technicalseo scare you?

Have you been putting it off?

I hear you.
I see you.
I've got you.
Because I was you.

For all you "non-technical" SEOs out there, here's a shortcut to getting better with #techseo 👇🧵
Technical SEO is about uncovering inefficiencies a site's webpages have to be crawled, rendered, indexed, and ranked.

But this scope of work is SUPER broad.

📋 Find out what could be holding it back with a 170+ point technical SEO checklist I made just for Wordpress builds 👇
Now before you get started, a few things:
• you do NOT have to complete all the checks
• there is no fail grade, instead;
• a 'triage' using IFS statements gives you a prompt to consider your next steps
• pass = ✔️ (generally speaking)
• requires attention = dig a lil deeper
Read 25 tweets
May 4th 2022
Building in public is scary.

But I'll be doing it with my new course on #TechnicalSEO.

Want to follow the process and learn from it (in case you want to create something too)?

Follow this thread 🧵
I launched my first course, SEO Challenge, in 2019.

I didn’t know a lot about courses then. So I was working backwards in some respect with it.
Since then I’ve learned a TON about course creation and helped other people to create successful courses behind the scenes.

(If you think a course is a passive income, you’re simplifying it)
Read 17 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
Have you taken advantage of this year's hottest SEO trends? 🧵

#SEOTips #SEOStrategy #DigitalMarketing Image
1. User intent has proved to be HUGE this year.

@himani_kankaria said, “Considering the updates like Google rewriting meta title tags and coming up with indented results on SERPs in 2021, it seems Google is working hard to identify the right intent behind a user’s search.”
Want to make using user intent easier?

@artios_io created a fantastic guide for automating keyword clustering by search intent using #Python…

#TechnicalSEO #SearchStrategy
Read 6 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
✨We posed the question to SEO experts what the most underutilized SEO tactics and strategies are and then organized their responses into 8 categories and 44 sub categories✨

#SEO #SEOstrategy #SERPoptimization #SEOoptimization #Ranktracking…

Underutilized Keyword Research Strategies

⌨️Tracking Keyword Gaps with your Competitors
🌠Long-tail Keyword Strategy
🚩Keywords on Platforms
👉Synonyms Ranking Technique
🗺️Keyword Mapping Plan…

Underutilized Onsite Optimization Strategies

🔗Internal Linking
👉FAQ Schema Markup
⌨️Meta Keyword Descriptions
🌠Optimizing Product Pgs
🔝CTR of Top Ranked Pgs
🔗Adding Titles to Links
🧩Use Rich Snippets
🔍Optimize Voice Search and multimedia…

Read 9 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
Q1 on #SEOTalk ➡️ Why #SEO for #eCommerce matters? Aren't the other channels more #ROI driven?
Q2 on #SEOTalk ➡️ How to Develop an eCommerce #SEO Strategy? How does the checklist look like?
Q3 on #SEOTalk ➡️ How to do keyword research for an eCommerce website? Is it required to go beyond search intent?
Read 6 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
Last Saturday, @souvikdg and @hallidude chatted about #TechnicalSEO on the #ContentWeb series. Here’s a summary of takeaways: thread (1/12)
@souvikdg @hallidude Everyone wants to rank high on Google. Rarely do people care to understand how things work. Most want a quick fix. Hence SEO is often sold like Snake Oil. It may work. It may not work. And sometimes it may seem to work and then you’re busted for trying out evil tricks. (2/12)
@souvikdg @hallidude #Search engines are #website #aggregators, just like the food delivery aggregators who try to list every restaurant around us. But they also want to ensure that customers have a good experience. So they’ll prefer to recommend restaurants that offer great food and service. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets

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