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The agricultural industry is embracing technological trends, to streamline & ensure sustainable agriculture businesses. Drone technology is an amazing innovation, with potential for far-reaching effects across the agricultural space.
The use of drones in agriculture is the next technological wave, that will help in meeting the changing and growing demands of the future, driven by the growing population levels and changing climate patterns.
Yes! The African Farmer's Stories is inviting you to be part of this. We want African farmers to use modern agricultural technology, both digital and mechanical, to boost the agricultural sector in a sustainable way so that AFRICA can RISE.
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A warm welcome to today's edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories Here, we showcase the wonderful work of farmers across #Africa and celebrate them too. My name is Edobong Akpabio and it's great to be with you again.
Today, we are taking a journey with another agropreneur. He is young, passionate and creative. On the #TheAfricanFarmersStories we believe that the future of #Africa belongs to her youth and we pay special attention to them. Please join me to welcome Ettahsuren Ojoiđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
Q1. Ettahsuren, welcome. It’s a great pleasure to have you as our guest on #TheAfricanFarmersStories. This is a programme that recognizes and celebrates the efforts and accomplishments of farmers in #Africa. Tell us about your growing up and schooling days.
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In a short while, we will commence our tweet chat with our guest, Atinuke Lebile, on #TheAfricanFarmersStories. Today's programme promises to be interesting and exciting at the same time. My name is Edobong Akpabio. Welcome!
Atinuke Lebile is a vibrant lady with passion to address malnutrition and food insecurity through #agriculture and its value chain. She is a Co-founder and the Chief Operating Officer of Cato Foods.
She also serves as the Strategist Officer of Ogunmod Farms and Farmers Academy Ltd and founder of SHEAGRIC Initiative, an NGO focusing on encouraging and empowering young women into the agricultural value chain and #agribusiness
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Top of the day to all our Twitter family and a warm welcome to today's edition of our programme, #TheAfricanFarmersStories where we recognize and celebrate farmers in #Africa for their selfless contribution to the Continent.

I'm your host, Edobong Akpabio. Welcome!!!
Many people don't know the massive opportunities in the agro-media sub-sector. Today, we have another unique guest, Oluyinka Alawode. She has covered the #agriculture industry as a journalist. Let's get to know more about her on #TheAfricanFarmersStories
Oluyinka Elizabeth Alawode studied Agriculture at the University of Ilorin and later focused on Agricultural Extension. After graduation, she explored different vocations, all the while, also engaged in freelance writing.
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"A farmer is a dispenser of the mysteries of God." written by a correspondent to Liberty Hyde Bailey

Let us show you a glimpse of the world of our guest tomorrow at 2pm WAT on #TheAfricanFarmersStories. Please join us.
“Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: Pick out the best parts.“ - Charles Waterman

We have a passionate #fisherman as our guest today on #TheAfricanFarmersStories

Fish value chain entrepreneurs calling!!! Join us at 2pm WAT. @FarmersStories Image
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@Agro_Centre @MadedorVictoria @adeola_odedina @adexmee @wandieville @mfon_ngozi @yinkanubi @DorcasAOmole @Mz_Oladoyin A4 - I started the company because I wanted to diversify. B.O Farms Ltd is the 2nd official company I started so the knowledge gained from my first biz in oil and gas was readily available.It was meant to be a 2nd company but now the MAIN and ONLY biz .
@Agro_Centre @MadedorVictoria @adeola_odedina @adexmee @wandieville @mfon_ngozi @yinkanubi @DorcasAOmole @Mz_Oladoyin So I escaped some teething problems. I have had the good and the bad times; I do not pray for the ugly. In terms of my experience I realized what I expected in terms of returns, product demand is far from the reality.
@Agro_Centre @MadedorVictoria @adeola_odedina @adexmee @wandieville @mfon_ngozi @yinkanubi @DorcasAOmole @Mz_Oladoyin My first shock was when I read online before starting that plantain is 7months and it took almost 18months to harvest my 1st local sucker and sold at ridiculously low price. In my bid to also maximize the industry I invested into too many things at about the same time,
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"Farmers farm for the love of farming. They love to watch and nurture the growth of plants. They love to live in the presence of animals. They love to work outdoors. They love the weather, maybe even when it is making them miserable." - Wendell Berry
Good afternoon & welcome to our programme #TheAfricanFarmersStories. Today, we've another farmer with vision & passion for #agriculture. I'm, yours truly, Edobong Akpabio, your host on the programme. Thank you for joining us. Sit back as we introduce our guest, @tunde_banjoko
Omotunde Banjoko is a graduate of Geophysics from the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, #Nigeria. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria (ISMN). #TheAfricanFarmersStories
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"We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends." - Mary Mcleod Bethune
Good afternoon, dear Twitter family and welcome to another exciting edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories, the programme that promotes and celebrates the work of the farmers in #Africa. I'm your anchor, Edobong Akpabio and it gives me pleasure to spend the afternoon with you all.
Our guest today is an #agripreneur with an insatiable appetite for agricultural growth and youth empowerment. Let's get to meet Ezekiel-Walker Olajumoke, whom I fondly refer to as Baba On'igbin.
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#TheAfricanFarmersStories tells of the passion, resilience & strength of the farmers in #Africa. Many don't understand their needs & pain but everyone is a beneficiary of their sweat.

Please join us tomorrow at 2pm for another eye opener on the exploits of the #African farmer.
“Farming is not just farming; it is also marketing. When selecting the crop to plant, take the market into consideration. Farming is interesting. Learn the trick!’ - Yinka Adesola

“I found myself on the farm because I found agriculture to be fabulous. I found that the most important thing to combat in my country is hunger. By learning to feed ourselves, we may be able to satisfy our domestic market.”
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"I am proud to be a farmer". - Emmanuel Akotia

That is what happens when a young farmer sees the potential, opportunities & benefits of investing in #agriculture

Join us tomorrow August 17th for another edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories
@edobong_akpabio Image
"Farmers are a hearty, optimistic, and determined breed." - Jill Isenbarger

And I can add that the #African farmer is absolutely, amazing. Join us at 2pm today as we continue our programme on #TheAfricanFarmersStories

@S4AfricaSMEs Image
Good afternoon, wonderful Twitter Family and welcome to another splendid edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories

Our guest is a young and quite interesting farmer and... he has a lot to tell us. I am Edobong Akpabio, your host on the programme. Let's get to meet our guest!!!
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“Agriculture was the first occupation of man, and as it embraces the whole earth, it is the foundation of all other industries.” – Edward W. Stewart

Join us tomorrow 2pm WAT for more #agriculture stories on #TheAfricanFarmersStories
"Being a farmer is a difficult & often thankless profession. Working the land & gaining a bountiful harvest is backbreaking labor that takes blood, sweat & tears. In all these, farmers have a vitally important role in the community." - Samantha Williams
How can we support the #african #farmer to improve the productivity, profitability and the sustainability of their business, livelihood and impact? These and more will occupy us today on our interview programme at 2.00pm WAT. Please join us!!! #TheAfricanFarmersStories
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“Farming and agriculture are the backbone of our society. Without farmers, we wouldn’t have access to food and other basic necessities.” - Samantha Williams

That's right! And we'll get to hear more tomorrow at 2pm WAT on #TheAfricanFarmersStories
@edobong_akpabio Image
“As long as there’s a few farmers out there, we’ll keep fighting for them.” – Willie Nelson

You bet! On #TheAfricanFarmersStories our work is cut out for us. We will recognize, celebrate & keep fighting for our farmers. Join us every Monday at 2pm WAT.
@akin_adesina Image
“The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life.” – Arthur Keith

And #African farmers are the most sustainable contributors to civilized life on the continent. Join us at 2pm WAT as we showcase their work & aspirations on #TheAfricanFarmersStories Image
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"Agriculture is the foundation of manufactures, since the productions of nature are the materials of art." - Edward Gibbon

Join us at 2pm today on #TheAfricanFarmersStories as we celebrate the work of an agropreneur whose production comes from nature's unique materials of art.
"Happiness first of all lies in good health." - Rashidat Raji-Siwoku, Founder of Gaiafarms Herbal Lifestyle
Good afternoon, dear Twitter family. I welcome you to today's edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories where we recognize & celebrate the work of farmers all over #Africa

Our guest is another amazing #African farmer. Let's get to know her quickly while you take a ringside seat!!!
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What is market access? Market access describes the possibility of and the extent to which an enterprise can sell their goods and services.

That's our discussion tomorrow on #TheAfricanFarmerSstories at 2pm WAT.
Access to markets can help businesses scale production and increase product quality. However, markets in developing countries are often fragmented, illiquid, and lack formal regulation.

Join us at 2pm WAT so we can discuss market access & the solutions
Reliable market access boosts productivity, increases incomes and strengthens food security.

Our guest will dissect this nightmare of some agro-entrepreneurs at 2pm WAT today. Don't miss this unmissable edition.
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“The combination of digital technology and human creativity in deploying it will revolutionize life for Africa’s farmers by overcoming isolation, speeding up change, and taking success to scale.” — Kofi Annan, Sir Gordon Conway and Sam Dryden
Access to digital tech can make the distance b/w a remote farmer & the market even shorter than a straight line. Whereas many smallholders live several hours by foot from most markets, mobile platforms can share market price information/connect farmers to buyers in an instant.
Join us tomorrow @Agro_Centre at 2pm WAT as we recognize and celebrate the work of another agropreneur in the #AgTech space.
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“I believe agriculture has the potential to solve our unemployment problem. Africa has the potential to feed the world. The world should not be feeding us, we should be feeding the world.” – Aderonke Aderinoye

Join us tomorrow 2pm WAT on #TheAfricanFarmersStories Image
“Let the youth see that there is nothing wrong in being beautiful and being a farmer. Let young people see that they can become stars, even if they are from a small village.” – Aderonke Aderinoye

There's more...right here tomorrow at 2pm WAT
#TheAfricanFarmersStories Image
"Imagine you have 50 youth working together at one location. Working together will lower their cost of production. It is easier for them to access technical support, to access financing, to buy inputs together, or to make collective sales."
2pm WAT today Image
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“Many young and beginning farmers start out in local markets. Some stay there, and some scale up.” - Tom Vilsack

On our #TheAfricanFarmersStories edition today, our guest is another young agropreneur making his mark in the industry. Join us at 2pm WAT.
Good afternoon, everyone. In a short while, we'll commence our interview session with our guest on today's edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories

My name is Edobong Akpabio, your host on this Series. Let's get to know a little about this amazing agropreneur, John Agboola.
John Agboola is an agriculturist/farmer with a passion for agricultural research for development. He is a value chain catalyst with a degree in Agricultural Economics and Extension from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
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"It's another rainy day
but, the farmer doesn't complain."

In a short while, we will kick-off today's edition of our Tweet Chat Series, #TheAfricanFarmersStories, a programme that recognizes and celebrates the #African farmer.

My name is Edobong Akpabio, your host. Welcome!
Evans Larbi is the CEO of Beit farms, one of the major companies in the Agricultural industry in Ghana. He is a young farmer whose inspiration stems from an early introduction to farming as a family activity.
Evans is a Farmer, Aggregator, Facilitator, Trainer, Marketer and Advocate for Rural Women & Youth in Agriculture. He has confidence that Agriculture is Africa’s answer to economic and unemployment challenges.
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Come rain, come shine,
The farmer remains radiant with smiles!!!

Yes, that's our story. We wouldn't have it any other way. In today's edition of #TheAfricanFarmersStories we continue the conversation on making #Africa great through #agribusiness Join us at 2pm WAT. Image
“He who doesn’t regard agriculture will truly value it when food becomes scarce!” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

In a short while from now, we'll be jawing with our guest, Elizabeth Okullow.

Topic: Making Africa Great Through Agribusiness

#AfricaRising Image
Elizabeth Okullow is an agripreneur from Kenya, who is passionate about agriculture and entrepreneurship. She is the co-founder and CEO of Lafamia Greens, an agribusiness company.
@farm_ke Image
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“I changed my first name formally to Africanfarmer in 2004 because God told me there would soon be an agricultural revolution and that I would be stirring farms to success across Africa .” - Afioluwa AfricanFarmer Mogaji

Join us at 2pm today for our Twitter Chat Series on #TheAfricanFarmersStories.

Our guest? You guessed right - the quintessential farmer, AfricanFarmer Mogaji @AfricanFarmerM
Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to today's Tweet Chat with @AfricanFarmerM on the #TheAfricanFarmersStories series. My name is Edobong Akpabio @edobong_akpabio your host, and I'm very excited about our'll soon know why!
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“Without the farmer, there is no food.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita
Beginning today, we will showcase and celebrate the work of the #AfricanFarmer

Join us at 2pm WAT with @Samsonprolific
Samson Ogbole is a Nigerian farmer who saw the need for more sustainable options for agriculture in his country. He co-owns an agri-tech company, PS Nutraceuticals, that works to implement more efficient agriculture techniques.
Samson began his work with aeroponics in 2014 because of its ability to conserve space, water and soil. He believes aeroponics has the potential to end conflicts over land and monumentally improve food productivity in Nigeria.
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