Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #turkeyinvadeskurdistan

Most recents (2)

Jul 4th 2020
1: Who are the Kurds?

They are indigenous people native to their homeland called Kurdistan and have been there for over 3000 years. They are not Persian, Turkish or Arab. They have their own unique language, culture, traditions, lifestyles etc.
2: Kurdish name in history?

#Sumerian(Mat, Mad, Medi, Guti, Kuti, Kur-tu, Kur-du)
#Assyrian (KÛr-ti-i, QÛr-di, QÛrtî)
#Babylonian (Mat Kurda Ki)
#Greek (Korduene)
#Turkish (KÜrt)
#Persian (Kord)
#English (Kurd)
#Arab (Al-Akrad, Al-Kurd)
Read 13 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
We support you, and the Turkish nationalists call us terrorists for it too.

We’re called terrorists worldwide just for existing and demanding autonomy as a people too.

That is why we must stand and fight together.

Turkish nationalists try to equate their nationalism with Kurdish nationalism, not understanding that those we stand with don’t advocate for a separate nation-state, but rather wish to transcend the nation-state model in building autonomy just like we do.

Read 3 tweets

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