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Jan 24th 2023
#Canada's economy grew at an estimated rate of 4.6% in 2021, and is anticipated to have the strongest growth among the #G7 economies in 2022 and 2023? #cdneconomy
In 2021, #Canada had the highest #employmentgrowthrate & 2nd highest population growth rate of the #G7. #cdnjobs
#Canada has the most educated talent pool in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development #OECD: 60% of its population aged 25 to 64 has received tertiary level #education.
OECD, Education at a Glance, September 2021
Canada has enjoyed the lowest net debt to #GDP ratio in the #G7 for the last 15 years, with a current ratio of about 33%.
IMF, World Economic Outlook, April 2022…
Read 17 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
CEO Ridiculed for Raising Minimum Wage to $70K Has the Last Laugh…

#IncomeDisparity #MinimumWage #FinancialPerformance
Cross-reactive CD4+ T cells enhance SARS-CoV-2 immune responses upon infection and vaccination…

#SARSCoV2 #ImmuneResponses #infections #vaccinations #antibodies
Read 8 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
In a stunning upset in 1981, @SenSanders won the mayoral race in Burlington, Vermont’s largest city. He shocked the city’s political establishment by defeating a six-term, local machine mayor. Burlington is now reported to be one of the most livable cities in the nation.
In 1984, Mayor @SenSanders established the Burlington Community Land Trust - the 1st municipal housing land-trust in the country for affordable housing. The project became a model emulated throughout the world. It later won an award from HUD.…
While Mayor: @SenSanders balanced the budget; undertook ambitious revitalization projects; sued the town’s cable franchise ti win reduced rates for customers; kept property taxes down; improved city services; & saved the lakefront from being built up by developers.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
Democratic Candidates for Congress, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Governor & State Reps
& Voter Registration, Absentee Voting, Voter ID, Early Voting, Poll Worker Info
with Links
#California #Midterms2018 #CA48 #CA49 #CA50 #CA51 #CA52 #CA53

District 48

Democratic Candidate #CA48

Harley Rouda

vs Dana Rohrabacher R

Register by October 22
Apply for Absentee Ballot by October 30
Democratic Candidate #CA49

Mike Levin
Darrell Issa (R-retiring)

Register by October 22
Apply for Absentee Ballot by October 30
Read 19 tweets

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