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Nov 13th 2022
2022 #Midterms Simulation: #ArtoftheGerrymander

A Republican House win will be built on gerrymanders (TX/GA/FL/TN/LA, etc.)

To illustrate the need for fair maps, I'm calculating the results using the 2022 votes, but if every state had a Democratic gerrymander. #ElectionTwitter ImageImageImageImage

I’ll apply the difference in Presidential margin to the House result. Thanks @davesredist @mikemathieu @vest_team + @DKElections @PoliticsWolf

Keen to see how my maps perform over the decade; tried to comply with state law if partisan intent were allowed to stand.
#ArtoftheGerrymander: #Alabama
Trump 62.0% - Biden 36.6%
Real delegation: 6R-1D
Gerrymandered: 5R-2D
Δ Share of D seats: 14% => 28%
Easy Democratic pick-up of a safe new African American seat.… ImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Tomorrow is #ElectionDay in Michigan, Missouri, and Washington. That means ✨5 ✨of JVP Action PAC's stellar endorsed candidates are on the ballot tomorrow.

Here's who they are and how you can help get out the vote during this last day! 🧵
We'll be out canvassing for @RashidaTlaib until the polls close - but even if you're not in Detroit, you can help! Hit the phones for however long you can, to make sure we send Rashida back with a MANDATE from the voters to keep up the fight. #MI12…
.@huwaida4mi needs you on the phones! Polling shows that the more people hear her message, the more likely they are to support her campaign. That means outreach today is KEY. Will you send texts to get the word out about Huwaida? #MI10…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 15th 2019
Recently, some whose views I greatly respect like @DavidJollyFL are calling for @SpeakerPelosi to postpone an #impeachment vote due to statements by @SenateMajLdr and @LindseyGrahamSC indicating the United States Senate will NOT conduct a fair and impartial trial...

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#WeThePeople MUST demand @HouseDemocrats AND @HouseGOP proceed with the #ImpeachmentVote of President Trump on a bi-partisan basis. Subsequently, the Senate, MUST hold a fair and impartial trial in which the rules and witnesses are agreed to on a bi-partisan...

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...basis by the @SenateJudiciary @JudiciaryDems Committee. OUR House, the White House is on fire. The arsonist, Pres. Trump, was in the House setting it ablaze w/a blow torch. He’s exchanged the blow torch for a rocket launcher and taken aim at the #2020Elections.

Read 18 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
#PrimaryElection is AUGUST 7th!
Register in-person by July 30th.
THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates & Voter Info with LINKS!


#WA01 #WA02 #WA03 #WA04 #WA05 #WA06 #WA07 #WA08 #WA09 #WA10
Register online here:…
Printable Application:…
Check Registration Status:
Military Overseas?…
See all Candidates by County here:…
Democratic Candidate for Washington #WA01

Dem Incumbent Suzan DelBene


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