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May 19th 2019
BXP has no manifesto, no detailed policies & no plan for #Brexit (no, "just walk away" isn't a serious plan outside of a pub!)

Why are people willing to vote for a shady outfit that isn't a party, has dodgy finances & will likely adopt #UKIP's *no work* habit?
What's more, BXP now say they want to run in the next GE, even though the leader admits #Brexit isn't the answer to any of our domestic problems — you know, all those problems Leave voters thought Brexit was going to fix.

Somehow it feels like this is all about the salary and perks for some of the BXP's candidates, and that they're not taking the business of representing our country in an international forum seriously - as indeed those who were previously part of UKIP never have.

Read 24 tweets
Apr 24th 2019
A short thread about Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party candidates from Spiked (Claire Fox & Alka Cuthbert - also active in the Full Brexit pressure group), their Northern Ireland backstory, and the crapness of our media:
1/ A while back I looked at Sunday Times allegations about Jeremy Corbyn’s IRA links… with a follow up about the Warrington bombings and the general climate on the left at the time…
2/ I noted that most of the left were broadly pro-Republican in the 1980s, for good reasons, but that the Warrington bombings & similar atrocities turned the tide. Even the most hardcore pro-IRA groups supported the peace process.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 28th 2018
Lets try sth -- using large scale @Survation estimates of support from a comprehensive 20k strong poll across the UK, we can see which constituencies have swung from #Leave in 2016 to #Remain if there was a rerun of the 2016 #EUref ...a map and the 10 biggest swings to Remain
Constituency #Southampton, #Itchen
#Leave in 2016 59.96
Estimated #Leave % in 2018 42.60
Estimated swing to #Remain -17.36
#Westminster Constituency: #Kingston upon Hull North
#Leave in 2016: 59.97
Estimated #Leave % in 2018 45.15
Estimated swing to #Remain -14.82
Read 53 tweets

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