Why are people willing to vote for a shady outfit that isn't a party, has dodgy finances & will likely adopt #UKIP's *no work* habit?





Is there a pact w/UKIP to make it look so bad, voters switch to BXP?


As anyone who's read beyond the cover of a negotiation manual will tell you, that's only true if your fallback isn't worse (not so in #Brexit).

What he actually said, repeatedly, was that it'd be the WORST CASE SCENARIO.

PS: there's no other country that trades on WTO rules alone. #Brexit means downgrading our trading arrangements from best to worst in the world.



NF wants to adopt a US-style healthcare system.
NB: 1 person goes bankrupt every 30secs in the UK due to healtchare costs.

NW region MEP candidate Claire Fox's support of the IRA isn't the only thing her constituents would likely object to if they took a closer look at her beliefs. #EUelections2019


(Must be killing him to see all these wives & mothers running as MEP candidates)

(A case of competitive persecution? "The prejudice you suffer isn't nearly as bad as the prejudice I suffer..." )

#EUelections2019 (for heaven's sake, vote #Greens or #LibDems in SW/Gib!!)

Brexiters overpromised & didn't explain costs/trade-offs. A demagogue with no manifesto or policies isn't the solution.

If NF really believed in #Brexit, he wouldn't participate in #EUelections2019, as it's Westminster that will decide if / when / how we #Brexit.
So why bother? £!


cc: .@LeedsEurope .@EuropeanYorks .@PeoplesvoteSWY .@48pcHullEYorks .@NYorksEurope .@Sheffield4EU