Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Apr 6, 2021, 11 tweets

1/. QUESTION: What’s the worst day of the year for dictators, despots & populist autocrats?

ANSWER: April 7

Tomorrow, @amnesty release our annual 2020/21 report covering the state of #HumanRights in 149 countries

JOURNALISTS: For a copy or to an interview👉

“How's life in your country?"
"We can't complain"

This cartoon was about #Turkey but it also applies to:
#Somalia etc.

“I don’t care if they respect me, so long as they fear me.” (Caligula)

At @amnesty we don’t respect dictators, autocrats & human rights abusers

We don’t fear them either

As we publish Annual Report, here’s a guide for dictators human on ‘how to respond’…

#BREAKING: A virulent strain of leaders have weaponized the #COVID19 pandemic to further their on assault human rights, say @amnesty

From mendacious to the fraudulent, theses unscrupulous leaders used #COVID as an opportunity to entrench their own power…

“Are we bold enough to see what must be done & courageous enough to get on & do it?” @AgnesCallamard @Amnesty head

We’re not powerless

It will take commitment, vision & cooperation, but together we can - & must - end this ongoing rollback of our rights”

What you gonna do when the world’s on fire?

Will you fiddle & faff while the world burns or will you take action?

The challenges we face are substantial but they aren’t insurmountable

Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all

Let’s come together

"This is the worst year for human rights since...last year"

People sometimes ask how I stay so upbeat

It's because I know we will win

Even the powerful, in their mansions surrounded by fences & flunkies, know - deep in their souls - they've already lost

The #COVID pandemic has exposed govt’s deliberately divisive & destructive policies that have perpetuated inequality, discrimination, & oppression

In 2020, those who had the least gave the most

In 2021, we will fight for real change & for accountability

How did these unarmed women in Belarus strike fear into a bunch of secret policemen?

They pulled off their balaclavas

Tyranny thrives in secrecy

We must strip off the masks & reveal the truth for all to see

It’s what they fear

The truth is powerful

It’s why they try & hide it, distract from it, or silence those who expose it

Unmasking lies requires good journalism, a strong civil society & people with the courage to hold the powerful to account...& it needs us all to speak out

Leadership in 2020 didn’t come from the powerful, privileged or profiteers

It came from ordinary people

In 2021, we need to build on the growing movement of people who see thru the lies & recognise we can no longer rely on others to protect our freedoms

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