Umbereen S Nehal, MD, MPH Profile picture
MIT Sloan fellow, coach, fmr Chief Med Officer & Medicaid med dir, Top Voice 4x, data nerd, digital health, MedEd, humanist, Tweets personal, RT🚫endorsement

Apr 22, 2021, 13 tweets

The only feelings to center on are those of black community
Wrong use of this quote during the week of #DerekChauvinTrial

Some people “feel” things if a white male faces accountability
Amy Cooper’s feelings: call cops
Racism & racism lite has always focused on “feelings” #BLM

When @ayshakhoury or @uche_blackstock were authentic in their feelings: ended careers

Black female physician #DrSusanMoore having “knowledge” or a “voice”
while DYING
made others
*feel* “intimidated.”

This is part of a known pattern for WOC
#BLM #BlackintheIvory

This is a repeating pattern of “feelings” used against tellers of uncomfortable truths that #MLK described in the letter from the Birmingham jail.

Seeking order > justice or overpolicing are all to protect only certain “feelings” of “security” while those like #adamtoledo die.

This desire for “order” is also the construct of Colonialism

France validates military dictators for “security” & “order” (yet bans a piece of cloth, hijab to “protect women”

Men with guns & no accountability do not protect women.

Whose feelings
whose lives

Centering on feelings of the colonizer/slave owner justifies exploitation & harm

Protecting fragile white feelings of fear, disgust, anger
kills POC

This was just 1-2 generations ago. These beliefs have not gone away.
Feelings from these beliefs are not ones to validate

White women would both advance in careers & drive #innovation
AND stop harming POC

they would stop believing all of their own feelings
on fear vs “safety”
per driven cultural norms from past age of slavery & smelling salts

#womeninleadership #WomenInSTEM

Article from @techreview on pushing boundaries as #womenintech #womeninleadership #womeninSTEM #WomenInScience

Acting on this, as a WOC, gets labeled as “harassment” or not #professionalism

We MUST use words
even if others “uncomfortable”

Am a HUGE critic of #professionalism
= system mechanism
structural & medical racism

I have offended those who have built careers in #Medbikini part of #healthcare = controlling behaviors of BIPOC, #LGBTQ, etc

criticism triggers negative feelings

centering these feeling = harm

These #accountability tweets
what standards?

make others feel badly
uncomfortable, embarrassed

But “#professionalism”:

must go

#Doctor fired in #COVID19 #pandemic for smiling & dancing?
=anti-#publichealth #vaccine outreach

In fact, for #VaccineEquity #VaccinesWork
@The_BMC nurses, doctors, staff videos: critical

This is what effective #COVID19 #pandemic pro-#publichealth #SciComm looks like that both feels good & #VaccinesSaveLives for marginalized

@BostonTweet #BostonStrong #MedTwitter

From “do not smile”
“your hair wrong”
=harmful #professionalism beliefs

to wanting doctors & nurses
of color
working in #FQHC & safety net


in a #pandemic

to no #VaccineEquity
-> ⬆️ disparities in #COVID19 mortality in Black & BIPOC


Center black
To ⬇️harm

I made this error yesterday

Appreciated: publicly corrected

I still get allyship wrong
others can learn from errors I make so they don’t repeat them

I was NOT centering black - wrong
was stuck on my training in “standards”

Structural racism often has wrong standards

Doctors like me
who are not black
will get it wrong
must stay humble, listen, learn, amplify black voices

We are a product of this #MedEd system
must decolonize our own minds & deconstruct racist thoughts & beliefs

System teaches:
Undertreat pain
Even harms babies

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