They’re wrong though.
All of them.
They do things out of habit.
And depending on the context.
“I have my gym shoes on. It’s the evening. Time to go to da gym.”
And they’re hard because we don’t know where to start.
“How do I keep track of all the things that I want to do and find the right context to do them in?”
It’s obvious our minds weren’t designed to handle large swaths of information all at once.
It’s why meditation is so attractive to people in Silicon Valley.
They live in a world of abstract ideas, competing and pulling at their attention.
That’s it.
So what that means is you’re constantly accessing things in long-term memory, 3 or 4 chunks at a time.
Good luck trying to make progress there.
And you wouldn’t solve a math problem in your head.
You’d write it down on a piece of paper.
No. Not unless you had developed a special heuristic to quickly multiply large numbers in your head.
In the old days, you’d take out a piece of paper, and write out the problem.
The paper would act as a long-term storage unit.
And it does this very...very well.
I think it’s why humans can write and other animals cannot.
Explore the problem and what you’d have to do to address it.
You’ll notice you’ll stop thinking about it.
Like an abacus.
But nothing compares to software.
Nowadays, you press a few buttons and the problem is solved for you.
They think if they give people prettier tools, they’ll be able to solve more of their problems.
Current to-do apps do not.
Instead, they’re tyrants that demand why we’re not doing what we’re suppose to be doing.
That’s not pleasant at all.
Using a calendar should feel like less work, not more.
Calendars work great for appointments.
For nearly everything else you do in life, they get in the way.
It won’t be a tyrant. And it won’t demand of you that you complete everything on it.
It’ll be like solving math problem on a piece of paper.
Like this
The app wouldn’t demand that you plan out every minute.
It’s just a high level and general overview of what you want to get done in the day.
And of course that’ll change.
Your energy will change. Circumstances will change.
And your preferences will change.
So the software should be easily modifiable.