trans people can be gay, lesbian, and bi. gender influences sexuality, it doesn't cancel it out.
here, they dismiss surveys and studies relating to trans people and suicide.
did you notice they try debunking the numbers with "we believe" several times?
the only thing that's solid is that trans people need more statistical documentation, as in
however, the NCTE 2015 survey results released in 2016 were ignored by TransgenderTrend.

A) 8 calls a day to a helpline isn't a big deal. this neither states that each phone call was from different callers, nor does it state that all 8 came from 11-year-olds. 8

transgender identities don't pop up overnight. if a child seems to develop a trans identify quickly, it's usually because the parent hasn't actually been paying attention
sidenote: cisgender is when a person's gender identity matches their biologic & anatomic sex
C) detransitioners are an under surveyed & studied group. the citation links to a tumblr blog post, which mentions 203 participants, oddly...
wherein transgender trend says on their own site, that trans suicide statistics can't be trusted because those sample sizes are too small, they must also conclude that a survey of just 100 people, advertised solely by tumblr tags, is untrustworthy.

the citation only links to a letter by dr. james barrett, which lists no citations of its own
• there have been trans actors with speaking roles.
• the DSMV reclassified GID as gender dysphoria, reducing stigma
• talk shows interviewed trans people.
which is why they contact gender clinicians.
F) according to IMPACT LGBT Health and Development Program's 2014 clinical review, puberty blockers alone do not affect fertility. as for trans people that
Matt Rice, Thomas Beatie, and Kayden Coleman are all trans and have given birth.
there's more:
there are fertility treatments to assist in cases where fertility isn't fully restored.
there is also adoption. many kids are looking for a home and a family. there's no shame in adoption.
the idea that transitioning is all invasive and increasingly so, is a misrepresentation.
not all trans people complete every single procedure associated...
this doesn't make any transgender person any more or less trans, it's not invalidating.
you might interpret G to mean youths in general, and include teenagers as children. that's pretty fair, there's not a lot of information on teenagers having long term usage of many medications.
individually though, trans teens..
obviously, treating individuals isn't the same as a large scale study
i would assume no. why?
and her tweets, as displayed on bing as of today. (unrelated: i use bing bc i like reward point programs)
all of her education shown comes from art and sculpture institutions, although this is not the full

i'm not going to log in to see the rest because i'm not interested in her beyond this, as her views are appalling and she clearly uses hate speech (and also, i don't remember my password)

you cannot separate stephanie from her position at the podium.
in short, transgender patients fare better than expected.
tomboyish girls are perfectly happy being girls, and they identify as girls.
feminine boys are happy with being boys, and they identify as boys.
there are intersex children that are happy being intersex
there are many men that are extremely masculine, and they're gay. there are women that are extremely feminine, & they're lesbian
and further, the concept of non-conformity doesn't challenge transness. as the idea of gender conformity exists, ascribed gendered traits are not unchanging.
remember, once upon a time, men wore heels, kohl eyeliner, and flowing dress-like robes, women wore dresses dyed with arsenic, and pants-wearing women were sinful.
the problem is, singal went on to correct the misinterpretation
writer Ana Valens noticed, because she has integrity.
her article is here: dailydot.com/irl/jesse-sing…
if you're real thorough and curious, the original article is archived: archive.is/ipBNW
and jesse is right here on twitter
everyone needs to learn to be like @jessesingal and admit when they shit the bed. bless.
do i wish this was realized sooner? sure, but it happens. that's why newspapers punish retractions.

that would be wholesome.
mental health problems can include issues of coping with loss to PTSD.
in the NCTE study i linked to earlier, they included statistics on bullying, harassment, and discrimination. it's well known that peer violence ushers in instability, which...
is it shocking that transgender students get harassed in an environment where trans people are consistently the butt of the joke? where #TransCult is tweeted
K) i'm not autistic, but i do know a couple of autistic people that are transgender, and a couple others that are non-binary.
there's a lot of people that are autistic, and that's ok.
but the "six times" seems almost hyperbolic, as if to
no one knows what causes transness. no one knows what causes autism. both are things that just happen, and being upset about them solves nothing.
let me just zoom in on that dramatic 6x while Transgender Trend continues to use autistic people as props.

(this is an addition to my earlier tweet here: )

i forgot to mention how incredibly tactless "social contagion" is here.
"social contagion," "emotional contagion," and "behavioral contagion" are synonyms defined as the phenomenon of imitative/copycat behavior, as related to emotions.
the specific use of "contagion" is a particularly insidious way to imply that trans must be a virus or disease.
i will be continuing on this topic in another thread as this one is already quite long. i'll link to it here, of course.
tune in tomorrow night! same bat time, same bat channel!