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Tim Wise @timjacobwise
7 years ago, 10 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
1/ Honestly, the Trump policy of separating families at the border is rooted in a few simple things: 1) a dehumanization of border crossers, who are seen as criminals rather than persons desperate for life and liberty (in ways that would never happen if they were white)...
2/ A desire to use kids as bargaining chips to secure border wall funding: all because Trump's ego requires he fulfill this promise above all others to his cult. This is hostage taking for political gain...
3/ Trump's embarrassment that border crossing has actually increased under his administration, calling into question his "toughness" on a key issue about which his cult cares the most...
4/ His desire for being tough and cruel as evidence of leadership outweighs concerns about morality and dignity or the lives of children. Their emotional trauma is worth it, in his mind, as long as he wins...
5/ And no, it is NOT the fault of the parents for "coming illegally." Again, some are legally presenting for asylum but even those crossing illegally are trying to give their kids a better life...
6/ They are doing exactly what most any desperate parent would do, including the white conservatives leading the charge against them. If you were hungry, your kids terrorized by gang violence, you the victim of domestic violence, unable to find work, would you just stay put?...
7/ ...all bc u wouldn't want 2 "break the law?" Don't be precious (& don't lie to yourself). In that situation, you'd cross the border too. Indeed, if the nations whence our families came had been right next door to the U.S., they'd have crossed no matter the law...
8/ All the white folks who brag about how "our families came legally" ignore than a) there was no law to break in the first place, and b) had there been, our ancestors would have broken it, rather than starve or die from oppression in their home countries...
9/ Sadly we have crafted a fiction about our ancestors' arrival that makes it hard to see them in us and us in them...a fiction that says "our people came for liberty, but they're just coming for stuff!" But our people came for "stuff" too: like life and opportunity...
10/ We just can't see the similarity bc they're brown. That is is white supremacy plain & simple. At least David Duke & Rep Steve King & the folks in the "alt-right" are honest enough 2 admit it...the rest of white folks defending this horror are too cowardly to own it
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