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Thanks @JoshuaJBouw for the suggestion!
Considering that everybody was talking about @a16z’s new crypto fund, we thought that this must have affected the scores of their partners @cdixon @katie_haun @ali01 @jessewldn @Iiterature
At the same time, @cdixon’s position didn’t change at all.
It makes sense. Kathryn has just become a GP. Chris has been known as the "crypto guy" there for a while.
However, there was a noticeable uptick following the announcement. @ali01 climbed 2x as many positions this week as he usually does.
A +6k positions jump took place between 06/12 and 06/20.
We have a feeling this had something to do with the launch of satoshis.place...
Neither Qiao nor we can find a good explanation. Perhaps you have a theory?
@hosseeb also went up in the same time (#1722 --> #1433)
It seems it's because of the announcement of both of them joining MetaStable Capital.
We don’t know if the rumors of @StopAndDecrypt and @WhalePanda being the same person had something to do with it. It's possible.
What’s your take?
What do you think this growth can be attributed to?
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