Day 492 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 279 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Many miles away from the U.S.-Mexico border, authorities are separating families in raids that target immigrants at home and at work, conducted in the name of public safety. Most of these raids go unnoticed outside of the communities affected.…
Pregnant women in immigration detention under the Trump admin say they have been denied medical care, shackled around the stomach, and abused, according to interviews conducted by BuzzFeed News.…
"I realized I was losing my son. It was his life that I was bleeding out. I was staining everything. I spent about eight days just lying down. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t do anything. I started crying and crying and crying."
DOJ attorney says that the Trump admin has only reunited 2 out of 102 migrant children under the age of 5 with their parents, "believes" that another 54 can be returned by tomorrow's deadline.…
Federal Judge has extended the deadline to reunite migrant families with their children, as Government lawyers say only 54 of 102 children under age 5 will be reunited in time:…
GOP Rep. Jeff Denham, turned away from a detention center, on CNN: "I couldn't even get the director of the facility to come outside & tell me...what are your hours of operation, how many kids. I mean, even the basics. I could hear them behind the door but never open it."
A Mexican family from Brooklyn says they were headed upstate to celebrate Independence Day with an Army sergeant family member when border patrol agents questioned the parents' NYC IDs & then took them to a detention facility hundreds of miles away.…
A journalist held by ICE told The Daily Beast, in an interview conducted in Spanish, that he was "without a doubt" arrested for his journalism.
SACRAMENTO, CA (AP) -- Federal judge dismisses Trump administration claim that US law trumps California law on immigration, drops 2 of 3 claims.
He claims the story is false and then backs it up
In the 15 months that followed the presidential election, the ACLU's membership went from 400,000 to 1,840,000.…
The new lawyer for Michael Cohen has some fun thoughts.
Trump's personal driver for more than 25 years is suing Trump for unpaid overtime, Bloomberg reports.
In his lawsuit, the former driver for Trump says Trump gave him a $7K raise in 2010, but only on the condition that driver drop his Trump Org. health insurance & go on his wife's health plan. Which would save Trump Org. $17K in benefit costs.…
Some members of Trump's exclusive Florida clubs appear to have been invited to an Air Force One tour last year, according to an invitation obtained by BuzzFeed News, which was cross-checked with records received through a FOIA request.…
UPDATE: Palm Beach County's jobs agency says they've been told @realDonaldTrump's Mar-a-Lago Club is asking to hire *78* foreign guest workers this year, including cooks, waiters and 17 housekeepers.…
The State Department has reportedly spent more than £10,000 for trips by Eric Trump to his father's Turnberry hotel and golf course in Scotland, according to The Scotsman.
Tax payers are paying for Trump sons business trips.…
Cheese makers that rely on foreign sales are suffering as China & Mexico raise tariffs on US mozzarella & provolone.
BelGioioso Cheese, a Wisconsin family biz, has seen sales to Mexico drop since officials there implemented tariffs of up to 15%.…
The Brookings Institution looked at all of the counties that have jobs in industries China is targeting with tariffs & broke them out by 2016 election votes.
Nearly 2/3 of the jobs targeted by China's tariffs are in counties that voted for Trump.…
A third-generation Tennessee farmer who almost always votes Republican, said he's voting this fall for Dem Senate candidate Phil Bredesen, in part because Trump's trade wars are hurting his business — a sizable hog farm with some 400 employees.…
Elijah Cummings report argues the GOP tax law hurts homeowners while benefiting real-estate developers, includes a JCT estimate showing that several tax breaks for real-estate developers will lead to $66.7B in lost federal revenue over a decade.
Betsy DeVos has backed away from cracking down on questionable practices from for-profit colleges, so states are stepping up & filing suit against colleges that defraud students.
"This federal government is walking away from their responsibility."…
South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster blocked nearly $16,000,000 intended to fund birth control, prenatal care and annual exams for poor South Carolinians to stop a tiny fraction of that from going to Planned Parenthood.…
Democratic Sen. Bob Casey says he won't support Trump's SCOTUS nominee, regardless of who is selected.
"I will oppose the nomination ... because it represents a corrupt bargain with the far right, big corporations & Washington special interests."…
Trump SCOTUS team has looked at Kavanaugh's past comments on indicting a sitting president, we've confirmed. In 2009, Kavanaugh wrote: "The indictment and trial of a sitting President, moreover, would cripple the federal government..."…
Donald Trump selects Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.
Kamala Harris: "When at its best, [the Supreme Court] has advanced the meaning of those words above its doors, 'Equal Justice Under Law.' ... Judge Brett Kavanaugh represents a direct and fundamental threat to that promise of equality and so I will oppose his nomination."
"When you're talking to Mattis it’s a normal conversation & you imagine for a moment you're dealing with a normal administration," a senior European official tells Axios. "But then you look at Trump's Twitter feed & you realize none of it matters."…
Trump bad mouthed his own officials during a March phone call with Putin, after Putin said they had tried to prevent the call from happening, NYT reports.
"Those are stupid people; you shouldn’t listen to them," Trump told Putin.…
Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, back from the congressional trip to Moscow, is suggesting that Congress went too far in punishing Russia for meddling in the 2016 election.
"The election interference ... is not the greatest threat to our democracy."
Emin Agalarov will be interviewed by @GStephanopoulos on Good Morning America tomorrow morning. His first American TV interview since the Trump Tower meeting was revealed last year by the NYT.
Sec. of State Pompeo in Afghanistan: The Taliban "cannot wait us out"
After a lightning-fast and very secretive trip to Kabul, @SecPompeo has landed in Abu Dhabi.

BBC Report Calls Trump a Sexual "Predator" of Young Women Just As He Is Picking a Supreme Court Justice Who Will Overturn a Woman's Right to Terminate a Pregnancy
British police are planning the biggest mobilization of officers since the 2011 England riots ahead of Trump's visit this week.
One chief constable said the resources that had been asked for were on the scale required "if London was burning down."…
Green Day's 2004 song "American Idiot" skyrockets to top of UK charts ahead of Trump visit

Former Trump lawyer Ty Cobb spotted last night at a D.C. music venue watching a punk band called Copstabber. He particularly enjoyed a song called “I Like Cocaine,” according to eyewitnesses.…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Cory Booker: "The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is enormously concerning and I’m strongly opposed to it."
Pretty wild scene outside the Supreme Court right now as pro-choice and anti-abortion demonstrators battle for the cameras covering the #SCOTUS announcement:

Kavanaugh argued that Clinton could (and should) be impeached for lying to his staff. Later, under Bush, Kavanaugh decided Presidents shouldn’t be investigated while serving.…
Brett Kavanaugh: "No president has ever consulted more widely or talked to more people from more backgrounds to seek input for a Supreme Court nomination."
Trump chose names off a list by an interest group & met 4 candidates in under 2 hours.