Okay, let's leave aside whether the new She-Ra is a boyish lesbian or not for a minute. I'm all for that if that's what's happening. Way for progress! But:
I question the bare legs, exposing the femoral arteries, but Bronze Age warriors typically did not use leg armour & you get the advantage of maneuverability that way.
Um, no.
Armour *moves*. Especially when it's hit. If you have indents around the breasts, those are slammed repeatedly into sensitive breast tissue, leaving nasty bruises.
If it happens too much, it can lead to permanent tissue damage, leading to cancer or gland issues.
So we can safely assume the new She-Ra has small breasts.
Which leads me to body type.
Dedicated female athletes (which I am not) often have small breasts. Constant training leads to low BMI.
This is why female bodybuilders are always getting boob jobs. They sort of have to if they want visible breasts.
Also, swords and armour are *heavy*. You have to build upper body strength.
Wonder Woman, I assume, is not built like this b/c Amazons have supernatural strength. Maybe they don't find swords heavy.
You can't swing a sword well without muscle. It won't pierce the body of your enemy without building physical power.
That's all I have to say.