Why do parts of the left and right hate us so much.
I think it's become really clear to me is the attacks don't make sense.
Why does @OwenJones84
Work with @Jacob_Rees_Mogg

Have in common with immigrants and #FBPE .
Its hard to tell sometimes who is mining ignorance the best. But there are great candidates.
Why the hate?

Threats of to my female colleagues?
Spitting Gammon attacks at westminister who dissolve when talking to a guy? See link for example.
What ties woman, immigrants, experts, and #FBPE together against ignorance.
The treason we have committed is breaching the 50s class system.
Freedom of movement allows anyone from anywhere to move to a new position jumping class structures.
Hated by all people trapped or supported by ENGLISH class system.
Our leaders from Eton spout beautiful ignorance to subserviant masses like Judas goats leading us to slaughter.
Knowledge smashes the illusion so must be ignored.
Jump the 50s class structure taking male jobs giving opinions and getting above their station.
This is where the hatred of female commentators and experts come from .
Men now have to stand to stop this or be part of it.
Its precisely because we are classless, scientific in approach, filled with "experts" who actually do the jobs, almost gender neutral and have a high proportion of FOM individuals and worse are a multi country and multicultural organiation.

Who would rather keep their thralls than fix their condition.
They are supported by the fptp system and voter ignorance.
Do we need to directly target class system to
#StopBrexit ?
