Day 510 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 297 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

The number of homicides committed using guns has gone up by nearly a third nationwide in recent years, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Read more:

Trump has sought repeatedly to punish journalists for the way they ask questions, directing W.H. staff to ban reporters from covering events or to revoke their credentials.
"These people shouting questions are the worst," Trump has said.…
"Two reporters in particular have drawn the president's ire on multiple occasions: Jim Acosta, CNN's chief White House correspondent, and April Ryan, Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks and a CNN contributor."…
White House says plane containing remains of fallen US service members from Korean war is returning from North Korea.
It will likely take years to identify remains & premature to take a victory lap.
In 2007 N Korea claimed to return remains that were proven to be bones from animals & cadavers that had no DNA ties to any US servicemen. Source:…
Remains of RAF hero shot down more than 65 years ago which were handed over to his family by North Korea in 2011 turns out to be animal bones…
This can all be cleared up by Trump simply accepting Bob Mueller's invitation to sit for an interview.
Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the campaign. Why does he keep lying about this?…

Trump's team kept trying to make the Trump Tower meeting look as innocuous as possible and it keeps looking more and more like the opposite of that.
If Michael Cohen is really willing to start talking about Trump and Russia, it's time to revisit McClatchy's reporting about Cohen's alleged trip to Prague in the summer of 2016:
"Cohen blowing the whistle, Mueller and other prosecutors will end up with a symphony of leads ... he likely has inside information on each of the three rings of the Trump scandal circus: the Russia affair, the business affairs, the affairs affair."…
Here's Rudy Giuliani on May 6, 2018, saying Michael Cohen "is an honest, honorable lawyer."
(Last night, Giuliani told @ChrisCuomo that Michael Cohen is a "pathological liar" who can't be trusted.)
Michael Avenatti outside court: "I found Mr. Giuliani's comments last night on Chris Cuomo to be very interesting. I've said it before & I'll say it again: This guy is a train wreck of a lawyer, in fact I think he’s the best lawyer we have working for us on the case."
When Reagan served, the associate attorney general advised Congress if serious allegations were ever lodged against a president, DOJ would have no choice but to call upon a special investigator.
That associate attorney general was Rudy Giuliani.…
Patrick Leahy: "It's time for Donald Trump Jr. to come back before the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer them, but this time in public, under oath."…
Manafort's lawyers filed papers asking a fed judge to exclude 50+ pieces of evidence the government may introduce at trial related to Manafort's work in Ukraine.
But the filing includes copies of all exhibits Manafort doesn't want a jury to see.…
Exactly two years ago. "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."
Adam Schiff says that he learned about the hacking attempt on Claire McCaskill "from comments by a Microsoft employee at the Aspen Summit rather than hearing about this from our intelligence community. It shows just how unprepared we are." @MSNBC
Cabinet officials and others invited to today's NSC meeting on election security left the White House at 3:30pm. The meeting started at 3 pm.
Trump's meeting on election security ONLY lasted 30 minutes.
19 months into his tenure, there is no coherent Trump admin strategy to combat foreign election interference — and no single person or agency in charge, current and former officials tell NBC News.…
National Prayer Breakfast — which MARIA BUTINA allegedly used to establish back-channel with RUSSIA — has become a hotbed of foreign access-peddling.
Several foreign pols offered $ to lobbyists to get tix & mtgs at '17 breakfast featuring TRUMP.…
Several congressional Democrats are proposing legislation that would make it a federal crime to knowingly and intentionally publish false information about elections.…
Chuck Schumer is escalating the contentious dispute over SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh's records, pressing former president George W. Bush directly to release all the documents from the Kavanaugh's five years in the White House.…
Patrick Leahy on Brett Kavanaugh docs: "In a stark departure from bipartisan precedent, Sen Republicans are seeking to prevent the Senate from fulfilling its obligation to review the full record of a nominee...We must ask: What do Senate Republicans so badly want to hide?"
ProPublica obtained police reports and call logs from more than two-thirds of the shelters housing immigrant children. The records show at least 125 allegations of sexual offenses, missing children, fights, and more.
Immigrant rights advocates claim that a 6-year-old girl separated from her mother was sexually abused while at an Arizona detention facility, according to The Nation.…
The government says it reunited 1,442 families under a court order, but more than 700 were declared "ineligible" and their children remain in custody

A grandmother who the government had deemed "ineligible" to stay with her grandchild because she was not his mother.
The boy was shipped off to foster care and in 6 months, can be put up for adoption in Texas.
That’s what “ineligible” means.
United Airlines is donating flights to reunite migrant children who have been separated from their families.…
Documents uncovered in our litigation over the Census show that Commerce Secretary Ross gave false testimony to Congress to cover up Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.…
This week, Trump doubled the length of time that any modern president has gone without a science adviser.…
Dozens allowed to import lion trophies into US after Trump rolls back protections

A decade-long fight to make for-profit colleges prove they actually get their grads the jobs and income they promise is about to go POOF!…
The Justice Department is investigating whether Sinclair Broadcast, Tribune Media and other independent TV station owners coordinated efforts when their ad sales teams communicated with each other about their performance.…
Kimberly Guilfoyle Left Fox News After Investigation Into Misconduct Allegations, Sources Say (huge @yashar scoop here)…
Really cool how Trump claimed steel and aluminum imports are a national security threat but can also remove the tariffs for reasons completely unrelated to national security.
It's almost as if the tariffs aren't about national security at all.…
Trump is making a habit of using taxpayer-funded trips to campaign for Republican candidates.…
Help WaPo identify Trump's unknown golf partners: "On 81 of the 111 days we think Trump has played golf as president, we have no idea who his partner might have been."…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Despite Russian meddling and federal aid, nearly half of U.S. states have opted not to upgrade their voting machines or are unsure if they will.
Election security experts are alarmed.
Day 12 #KremlinAnnex
The T-Rex is back #KremlinAnnex
What a night! #KremlinAnnex
WATCH: Rudy Giuliani goes from, Michael Cohen is "an honest, honorable lawyer" to "he's lied all his life"
In trying to disparage Cohen, Rudy only further damages his own reputation.