Was looking through Twitter, and came across a reply from someone and it just seemed... not entirely believable.
I then looked further into this individual @SecularRaccoon.
Just doing word searches, having a look at their views.
I'm not sure if they are real or a troll.

Ok, so, their banner is 'REPUBLICANS ARE TRAITORS'.
Again, this might be ironic, I don't know. They are hitting the far left extremist talking points... So. Very. Well.
I just don't know if they are a Poe or not. It is really throwing me.
12 CONT: Apparently reality warps so much, that the FAN ART that DEO ENJOYED, was done by haters of Deo to try and make Antifa look violent, when all they are is peace loving individuals who dindu nuffin...
At this point I started to really wonder what was going on.
14: Again, dropping by my content and posts. Responding to @scrowder's advertisement of the interview that he did with me. Apparently I am one of "eight racist douchbags that called themselves the Furred Reich", and I got banned from FA for "racial vilification of others"

At this point... I am really starting to think that they are real, and not a troll... and that these views are legitimate.
It seems to just keep going though.
Getting worse and worse, more and more extreme.
THIS is the kind of hate I don't want in furry.
15: Responding to @JasonafexFA, apparently when Jasonafex says he talked to some of the people targeted by the "Nazi Furs F*ck Off" ribbons, that means he definitely talked to nazis, there is no other option, it isn't like people like me, who aren't nazis, were targeted