Day 514 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 301 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Bump stocks are still for sale. Does that make sense?
SEATTLE (AP) -- Federal judge issues temporary restraining order stopping release of downloadable blueprints for 3D-printed plastic guns.
98 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
A jury was seated in the Manafort trial, @jjouvenal reports.
Six men, six women will decide the fate of Trump’s ex-campaign chairman.
Judge Ellis was not fooling around. He seated a jury in about 3 hours, and had opening statements in Manafort trial completed -- all in one day.…
The Manafort defense seems to be to blame Rick Gates. For everything.…
"Law enforcement has come to suspect that Manafort expects he will get a pardon."
Listen to @DevlinBarrett go inside the Manafort trial on the new @WashingtonWeek podcast.
TRUMP’s campaign most certainly did seek support from the KOCH BROS during the campaign, but the Koch network froze out Trump.
With the money it has spent on buybacks, McDonald's could have given all of its 2 million employees a $4,000 raise. CVS could have given its employees $18,000 each.…
Trump is the embodiment of the culture-wars-for-the-poor, tax-cuts-for-the-rich approach to politics.
Trump's claim today that he's taking on financial elites becomes a lot more insulting when you look at it in light of his new plan to unilaterally cut capital gains taxes.
"In new tweetstorm, Trump gives his voters the middle finger":
After repeatedly claiming there's "no collusion", Trump has jumped on the "collusion is not a crime" bandwagon.
Ex-Trump Organization executive Barbara Res says that it's "impossible" that Trump didn't know about the Trump Tower meeting with Russian officials beforehand.…
Ex-FBI senior official Chuck Rosenberg: "Collusion is a crime — we just happen to call it something else. We call it 'conspiracy.' But it is absolutely a crime."…
Ex-federal prosecutor Daniel Goldman: Rudy Giuliani knows that "collusion" is just shorthand for potentially several crimes, so the fact that he's now pushing this simplistic argument suggests to expert observers that something is up.…
Previously undisclosed evidence reportedly in Mueller's possession—including confidential WH records and testimony by some Trump aides—provides, some of the strongest evidence to date implicating Trump in an obstruction of justice.…
"A confidential WH memo, which is in the special counsel's possession, explicitly states that when Trump pressured Comey [to let Flynn go] he had just been told by Priebus and ... McGahn that Flynn was under criminal investigation."…
Richard Blumenthal: "There is credible evidence that the president of the United States has committed obstruction of justice and possibly a conspiracy to undermine our elections.
That's simply the facts and the law."…
Robert Mueller has reportedly referred a collection of cases to New York federal prosecutors concerning whether several high-profile American lobbyists and operatives failed to register their work as foreign agents.…
A $45k law firm payment. A $14k cash withdrawal. Almost $90k sent to or from a Russian bank. These and other transactions totaling nearly $300,000 offer the 1st look at how Mariia Butina and Paul Erickson financed their Russian influence campaign.…
Maria Butina didn't just allegedly cultivate the NRA on behalf of the Kremlin.
Butina braced one of America's best-known CEOs, pushing him to increase investments in his bank in Moscow—a bank facing trouble with Kremlin authorities.…
Facebook is preparing to announce that it has identified a coordinated political influence campaign, with dozens of inauthentic accounts and pages that are believed to be engaging in political activity ahead of the midterm elections, NYT reports.…
Facebook said that it first discovered the accounts — eight Facebook pages, 17 Facebook profiles, and seven Instagram accounts — two weeks ago.
The company has been working with the FBI to investigate the activity.…
"Facebook discovered coordinated activity around issues like a sequel to the deadly 'Unite the Right' white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. A page called 'Resisters,' which interacted with one Internet Research Agency account in 2017."…
Sen. Mark Warner: "Today's disclosure is further evidence that the Kremlin continues to exploit platforms like Facebook to sow division and spread disinformation, and I am glad that Facebook is taking some steps to pinpoint and address this activity."
Adam Schiff: "The announcement from Facebook demonstrates what we've long feared: malicious foreign actors bearing the hallmarks of previously-identified Russian influence campaigns continue to abuse & weaponize social media platforms to influence the U.S. electorate."
Trump says he'd meet with the president of Iran, but Iran is ruling it out.
"With current America and these policies, there will definitely not be the possibility of dialogue and engagement, and the U.S. has shown that it is totally unreliable."…
White House chief of staff John Kelly told staff on Monday that Trump had asked him to remain in his post through the 2020 election.
Hasn't that been a kiss of death?
Senate Dems are sending a wide-ranging request demanding that Brett Kavanaugh's entire paper trail be provided to Congress.
The letter asks for all of Kavanaugh's records from his time as an associate W.H. counsel and as staff secretary.…
Susan Collins sides with Senate Republican leaders in seeking to limit the disclosure of documents from Brett Kavanaugh's White House tenure.…
"The Trump administration says people would drive more and be exposed to increased risk if their cars get better gas mileage, an argument intended to justify freezing Obama-era toughening of fuel standards."
The Trump administration is about to finalize regulations for "short-term" insurance plans, which look a lot like the junk plans Obamacare tried to eliminate.…
Reminder: Undocumented migration from Mexico has been negative for 10 years. More people are going back to Mexico than are entering the United States.
Trump shutting down the government to make US taxpayers pay for the wall that he failed to get Mexico to pay for.
A federal judge found that U.S. government officials have been giving psychotropic medication to migrant children at a Texas facility without first seeking the consent of their parents or guardians, in violation of state child welfare laws.…
Dianne Feinstein: "It's not an exaggeration to say that the policies of Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions may have essentially orphan hundreds of immigrant children."
May have???…
Commander Jonathan White of HHS admitted he warned Trump & Sessions about "significant risk of harm" & "psychological injury" as consequence of zero tolerance & was ignored:…
LeBron James on racism: "No, I think it's always been there, but I think the President in charge now has given people -- they don't care now. They throw it in your face now."
In a letter to @benjaminwittes, the Justice Department formally acknowledged that the President of the United States lied in a speech to Congress.…
This is what’s happening at the Trump rally in Tampa as @Acosta does a live shot. Folks booing, shouting “traitor,” and “you’re a liar.”
So much for being civil.
TRUMP on his son, @ERICTRUMP: "He's been fantastic. He loves his.... political stuff."
So much for Eric walling himself off from his father's political activities to avoid conflicts-of-interest
Trump says you need a photo ID to buy groceries.
Trump is spent a considerable portion of his Tampa speech defending his trade policies and tariffs, particularly on China.
Says farmers are tough and "they can take it."
Day 16 #KremlinAnnex
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
The Center for Investigative Reporting in Puerto Rico has filed a lawsuit against FEMA alleging that the agency has failed to release documents they requested detailing FEMA's emergency relief efforts following Hurricane Maria last year.…
In the month of July, there were just 3 White House press briefings.…
When North Korea handed over 55 boxes of bones that it said are remains of American war dead, it provided a single military dog tag but no other information that could help U.S. forensics experts determine their individual identities.…