Day 519 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 306 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Publisher of 3D-printed gun plans says he's OK with consequences of at-home gun printing.
Great! We'll know WHO to sue.

Bret Stephens: "We are approaching a day when blood on the newsroom floor will be blood on the president's hands."…
Reminder: Little more than a month ago, five journalists were gunned down in their newsroom.
Kellyanne Conway asked on CBS about Trump’s AM tweet: What wars have journalists started? Not surprisingly, she didn’t have an answer, instead deflecting and launching a criticism of the media.
Trump's tweets about the media are downright dehumanizing. He sounds like he's trying to strip away our legitimacy and indeed our humanity. He is leading a "hate movement."…
@BrianStelter: Threats against reporters on the rise. We decided to broadcast one of those threats on today's @ReliableSources, so everyone can hear it for themselves.
Experts warn against celebrating return of Korean War remains as step toward denuclearization.

Statement from White House press secretary Sarah Sanders: “Today [Trump] played golf with Senator Lindsey Graham where they discussed a number of issues including national security and trade.”
I wonder if he asked Lindsey to cool it on adding more Russian sanctions?
Jay Sekulow tried to clean up his previous denial and claim someone misled him.
"I had bad information at that time and made a mistake ... over time facts develop." (via ABC)
Flashback: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."…
Schiff: "The Russians offered damaging info. Your campaign accepted. And the Russians delivered.
You then misled the country about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting when it became public.
Now you say you didn’t know in advance. None of this is normal or credible."
From @MerriamWebster
Definition of collusion: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose acting in collusion with the enemy.…
Despite what Trump and his cronies claim, it's illegal for a campaign to get such help from a foreign power.
Amy Klobuchar says that she fears the midterms are still vulnerable to hacking.
"I'm very concerned that you could have a hack that finally went through. You have 21 states that were hacked into, they didn't find out about it for a year."…
WALLACE: If Trump takes Russian interference seriously, why did he say 'Putin was extremely strong & powerful' in his denial of it during their joint presser in Helsinki?
BOLTON: Well, [Trump] misspoke a number of times during that news conference.
New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood has announced that she's already conducting an investigation asking if Trump had violated the emoluments clause at his businesses in New York.…
"Some of the biggest winners from Trump's new tax law are corporate executives who have reaped gains as their companies buy back a record amount of stock."…
Internal docs from the State Department obtained by Foreign Policy show the Trump admin tried to deceive the public on poverty levels in the U.S. by offering misleading and inaccurate statements, despite White House economic advisers' concerns.…
Coca-Cola said it was taking the unusual step of raising soda prices midyear in North America because of rising costs associated with Trump's tariffs, including freight rates as well as prices for plastic and aluminum.…
Jane Hardy, the head of a biz that makes lawn-care equipment, says she had to lay off 75 employees because of Trump's trade war.
Hardy's company opened in 1839. "It survived recessions & Civil War, but it might not survive a prolonged trade war."…
Imposing tariffs on foreign-made goods that compete with goods made in the U.S.:
Support 48%
Oppose 32%
Wait. Folks are supporting an "IMPORT TAX" that's raising costs & putting people out of work??
@MorningConsult/@Politico 7/26-30…
The Trump admin chose to prosecute parents with children over adults without kids, according to a new analysis of immigration data, in another sign that the "zero tolerance" policy was manipulated to target families at the border.…
"What I want, before anything, is to have my daughter with me. I just want my daughter with me."
Two undocumented women are heard pleading to be reunited with their children during hearings conducted at the immigration court in the Port Isabel.
Migrant children separated from their parents recount conditions that included inedible food and brutally cold temperatures, as well as bullying and verbal abuse.
"The way I have been treated makes me feel like I don’t matter, like I am trash."…
Teenagers as young as 14 were strapped to the chair — some stripped down to their underwear — with their feet, arms and waist restrained by cushioned leather straps and loops, they said
Iraq War veteran's wife has been deported to Mexico, despite pleading with Trump to intervene.
Bad hombré, right?!?
Four members of a Homeland Security advisory council have resigned in July in protest over the Trump admin's immigration policies, citing the "morally repugnant" practice of separating immigrant families at the border.…
Sens. Kamala Harris and Tom Carper have introduced the Census Equality Act, legislation ensure that Americans who identify as LGBTQ are properly counted for and represented in Census data collection efforts.
Oversight Committee Dems want a hearing with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross "to investigate the misleading testimony he and other Trump Admin officials provided to Congress regarding the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census."
"People will buy these policies, show up at the hospital for a condition they did not expect, and discover they are not covered.”
That's an insurance commissioner talking -- not me.…
Can't have a forest fire if you don't have any forests.
Trump told supporters that Queen Elizabeth II kept him waiting during his visit to Britain.
Video shows the Queen waiting on him for 12 minutes, occasionally glancing at her watch.
GOP strategist: Trump will be an "anchor" around Republicans' necks in November

93 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread: