Understand: mentality & physicality are one, and a dynamic system. To see psychology in the moment & through time, you need to take into account the conditions of physicality: water, food, sleep, exercise, habitation.
The biggest mistake to avoid in using personality type is to take it as a static object, set of interests, views, skills etc. Personality is a dynamic, not a state, not an object, not a sack of fixed “traits”.
The dynamics of human psychology are infinitely complex. To reach in in one go is a fool's errand. Reduce to clarify. Instead of recognizing the dynamic, eliminate types it isn't.
Learning even the most basic things about personality type was eye-opening to me. It was like I could see other people for the first time.
Here is a very condensed list of reasons why it's so effective & important.
Even if you're the best salesperson on the planet, learning how to type people & what that means about their cognition will bring your game to another level.
This makes it much easier to avoid unnecessary aggravation - and wasting time with people that will never fit your lifestyle & preferences.
Depth psychology can predict compatibility not just for sex & marriage, but also business and friendship. It's THAT powerful.
Because the teaching can be tailored to your cognitive preference for maximum effect, instead of torturing you with what sounds like an alien language in a setting that scares & unsettles.
You can improve your cognition, scale up self-awareness, increase your life satisfaction, harness the energy of the unconscious to gain godlike abilities. The lo-awarenes mass don't.
Static frames are a major barrier to getting the most out of personality type, especially re personal development. We tend to revert to static frames when we try to reduce a complex DYNAMIC system to cause-effect.
I. Ego development - mastering the advancement complex and breaking the defensive complex.
II. Functional development - improving our use of individual functions.
III. Ego transcendence - using the shadow functions and the alter ego with ease.
A critical skill here is to take charge with the parent function to prevent the hero from taking too many or too few risks, for example.
I spend so much time in my alter-Ego that you can't even tell if I'm extroverted or introverted.
To maximize mind-body performance, you need to both get over yourself (ego) and take care of yourself (health).
I won't lie - it's a process that takes time and effort, but the rewards are beyond comprehension.
Join in for the ride.