Three posts. First one here:…
Various pieces of evidence point to the probability this was the troll farm / Internet Research Agency again.…
Not conclusive on its own, but an important point.
Twitter reported that to Congress as being run by the troll farm.
Both accounts were created the same month, March 2017.
List online at…

If anyone has any of its content archived, would love to see it.
Compare FB Ancestral Wisdom with troll account Black Matters (h/t @UsHadrons for the invaluable archive).

One troll-farm admin;
Identical to known troll-farm Twitter account;
Identical troll-farm content;
Language errors consistent with troll farm.
It's not a smoking gun, but the strong likelihood is that these accounts were run from the troll farm too.
Build an audience, then translate it into real-world activity.…
They were starting from a low base, because the original troll farm was amateurish. This lot were more professional.…
They also tried to keep separate accounts apart; their 7-minute failure on this was one of the first giveaways.…
Remember this gem, about @TEN_GOP, h/t @AltCyberCommand?…

They were probably, though not definitively, troll farm accounts. They tried to coopt real Americans, and hide their tracks.
The troll operation didn't end in 2017: it looks like it evolved.
Ready for the midterms, and the 2020 election? /
Thread ends