He has detailed the most damning episodes in at least 3 voluntary interviews that have totaled 30 hours over the past 9 months.
- The firing of former FBI Director James Comey.
- Trump's obsession with putting a loyalist in charge.
- Trump's repeated urging of Sessions to claim oversight of the investigation.
- Trump's attempts to fire Mueller himself.

They were suspicious when Trump didn't protest letting him be interviewed...
So McGahn cooperated extensively to cover to demonstrate that McGahn did nothing wrong.

I thought it was interesting that many stories this year painted McGahn favorably...too many.
The confirmation that McGahn and his lawyer cooperated to protect himself lines up with who I believed was leaking.
...we ALSO learned that the only reason it didn't happen was because Don McGahn was a "hero," and threatened to quit if Trump went thru with it.
McGahn was also involved in those conversations, and told Sessions to back off when hearing of Wray's threat to resign.
The first was when Trump pressured McGahn to deny he ordered him to fire Mueller.
The second was with Reince Priebus, who shares the SAME LAWYER.
Another story involving McGahn, where he's portrayed as acting under Trump's direction.
Either McGahn has convinced Trump that his cooperation was exactly what he thought it to be, and nothing more, and Trump bought it...
...or Trump's legal team is trying to make it look like he is aware and not worried.
William Burck, his lawyer, essentially confirms the story, but he's sure to phrase it in a way that would alarm Trump the least.
But let's be real, Trump would be alarmed by anything less than a defense in the form of lies.