Welcome to your SEPTEMBER to REMEMBER.
Our broadcast today is titled IT'S NOT LATE.
The dictionary defined the word Late in some aspects as regards some Parts of Speech.
Adjective - Late means near the end of a period of time.
Adverb - Late means after a deadline has passed, or past a designated time.
It can also be referred to as 'it have not yet pass the designated time or, it's not yet the deadline'.
However, as beautiful as these plans are, as specific as you are, you just eventually discover that those beautiful plans are not coming to be #ItsNotLate
What did I do? I just pushed the time frame upfront some more. #ItsNotLate
A lot can still be done to make this year glorious.
Don't lose hope, don't give up, wipe your tears & always remember, #ItsNotLate
God will come through for you. For Him not to have come yet is because IT'S NOT LATE.
You still have a beautiful life ahead of you.
We draw the curtains here today, trust you have been blessed.
Do join us next Sunday at 4pm again.
Email: arkin330@gmail.com
WhatsApp: 08053532959
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