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Jun 7th 2023
1️⃣ Remember to prioritize self-care in your daily routine. Take time to recharge and nourish your mind, body, and soul. #SelfCareMatters
2️⃣ Embrace the power of saying "no" when you need to. Your well-being is important, and it's okay to set boundaries. #BoundariesAreHealthy
3️⃣ Practice gratitude daily. Take a moment to appreciate the little things in life and find joy in the present moment. #GratefulHeart
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Dec 4th 2021
When Valmiki completed his Ramayana, Narada wasn't impressed. 'It is good, but Hanuman's is better', he said.

'Hanuman has written the Ramayana too!', Valmiki didn't like this at all, and wondered whose Ramayana was better.

So he set out to find Hanuman.

In Kadali-vana, grove of plantains, he found Ramayana inscribed on seven broad leaves of a banana tree.

He read it and found it to be perfect. The most exquisite choice of grammar and vocabulary, metre and melody. He couldn't help himself. He started to cry.

'Is it so bad?' asked Hanuman
'No, it is so good', said Valmiki
'Then why are you crying?' asked Hanuman.

'Because after reading your Ramayana no one will read my Ramayana,' replied Valmiki.

Hearing this Hanuman simply tore up the seven banana leaves stating
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Dec 3rd 2021
1/ On 3rd December 1971, exactly 50 years ago today, my father, then a young Captain in the Indian Army, commanded the advance Workshop Detachment of the 50 Para Brigade into Bangladesh at Chowgacha heading for Dhaka via Jessore & Khulna.
@adgpi #proud #IndianArmy
2/ Commissioned in 1966, my dad & his many NDA coursemates share tales of fateful events that led up to the 71 war. He lost dear friends that fortnight who he remembers forever; he reflects on the treachery of America then & the strength of Indian leadership against devious Pak
3/ The Pak Army surrendered on 16th December. My dad’s Workshop Detachment was rushed back to support the Western theater near Giddarbaha - Malout, Punjab. And some days later the cease fire was called, leaving the Indian army with having to handle 93,000 Pak prisoners of war.
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Jul 12th 2021
#mindfulmonday THREAD & we're all about gratitude! It starts with us as parents, carers, caregivers, grown ups. Show up for your little one's by helping them appreciate the small things in life. The things that make the 🌎 beautiful, sparkle, shine.
We know it's been a tough year. We've been #homeschooling, #parentinginapandemic and working. It's been rough, full stop. But remember the clapping, the rainbows, the neighbourly kindnesses. That's the human in us all shining through.
This week, try to focus on #gratitude. 🙏

Here's some ideas! 👇👇 What works for you?

🏺Make a gratitude jar together
👀 Spend some time appreciating your surroundings together
💬 Talk about what makes your little ones happy. Tell them.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
As the Resident Pastor, C. E. Onyolu, rounds off today's session of 'Good Morning Jesus', I receive divine empowerment as the Balm of Gilead rests upon my head in the course of tomorrow's CelebrationofGrace, here in #GraceHouse
I exempt everything that concerns me from all the surrounding decay, corruption and sudden demise.
In the remaining 31 days of 2019, my hands shall never know any firm and shape of doubt. I prophesy to thou hands of mine, you will never know a better yesterday. I call forth resources to finish well. Come FestivalofWonders, I will come forward with my Thanksgiving Seed 🙏🙏🙏
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Dec 30th 2018
What are you thankful for???

It ain't about the weight of things done to you or how enormous they are, it is about our heart of appreciation.

I found out that there are two different ways people view #Thanksgiving. A lot fall into the category of thanking when all is on the positive, for example, when they buy a car, build a house, delivered of a baby, get promoted etc.
The other category give thanks even when situations ain't good. When diagnosed with malaria, they'll be like, "thank God it's not typhoid or HIV". When they are robbed at gunpoint, they'll be like, "thank God my life is not taken"
Read 20 tweets

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