As far as I see, this partnership wasn't mentioned during any of the parliamentary FB hearings:…

- What does it mean when Facebook is a "data enrichment provider"?
- Which (personal) data did Facebook share with Nielsen and vice versa?
- How exactly does Nielsen match "audience data from over 9.5 billion unique device IDs" to "over 350 million unique user profiles"?
When FB announced that it 'cut ties' with data brokers they also said they "will still work with third-party brokers for measurement purposes":
They mention this in their data policy, but obfuscate it to the maximum possible extent. They are not open about it at all. We don't know any details.
"We don't sell any of your information to anyone, and we never will"
What do they get in return when they partner with Nielsen and others? Other kinds of data or 'intelligence'? Selling is not just about money. Of course, they sell data.