We do not know if he is genuinely left, right, or faking one of those, or this is non political and maybe psychosis is involved.
So hold your horses.
Can you wait just five minutes to find out information from the scene before you take the bait? This behavior is no better than what the other side does.
Meantime, wherever you live:
>Maintain situational awareness
>Avoid soft targets
>Avoid unnecessary risks
>Educate yourself on threats & response options.
Stop taking the bait.
Facts > Speculation.
Pre-election season is always crazy town, more so this year.
There's a high probability that in the end, All Will Be Well.
He has personal issues.
Facts > Speculation.
I thought of it when I read that "no one was injured." Not physically. If YOU are upset by news about emergencies, call @distressline.

I oppose the faking of news but I don't want anyone harmed.
"Eyes and jaw placement seem normal, compared with all mugshots of (controlled?) perps/patsies following FF events."
FF = False flag, a term that is banned from my TL. Have your tinfoil hat fun elsewhere.
IMO Fry's mental issues MAY have worsened recently. I hope he gets a professional evaluation.


This is where you find the TX criminal code: statutes.capitol.texas.gov
To go from misdemeanor to felony in this case, the damage must be >$30,000. Massive commercial window frames & panes aren't cheap.