1. No, I can't think of a precendent for the NYT anon op-ed. Only thing close is maybe Kissinger conducting foreign policy while Nixon was in a gin-induced blackout.
2. Not invoking the 25th amendment to avoid a constitutional crisis is in itself a constitutional crisis, yes.
3. Sure, there were worse nominees than Kavanaugh-worse justices, too (looking at you, Roger Taney!) But not that many, and when you're in this territory, it's BAD.
4. Yes, this is what political crises look like: elites strive to appear like everything is normal and standard procedures are still in place. But it's a losing game
5. No, I don't think we'll have another civil war. But if you look at the rampant inequality and suppression of democracy we're experiencing...
6. What historical lessons are applicable to today? It's all fearmongering, hyperbole, and doomsaying...until the day it's not.
7. No, norms are not enough. Customs and laws are not self-enforcing. In other words, democracy is work. And struggle.
8. No, I guess we historians aren't very fun at parties.