A fat cat with a fat wallet to go along with it.
Every night he rests his feet on the desk, lights up a cigar, and counts his cash.
All good right?
What if I were to tell him these very same belly rolls are KILLING his ability to bring in future benjamins?
1) He orders his goons to kill me for disrespecting him (most likely scenario)
2) He realises I'm right
If he's smart, he'll pick option two.
Because I can help him make more money.
How exactly?
By helping him lose the bubble gut and moobs.
Obesity = brain inflammation
Inflamed brains are stupid brains.
If excess fat harms mice memory and learning who says it can’t harm yours?
Stupid brains miss opportunities that smart brains see.
Your excess body fat is literally costing you fat stacks.
Doesn't sound like a smart business model to me.
Those 14 hour days you've been putting in?
Say hi to low-energy Jeb Bush
You just got more of it.
*** Fog horn siren***
You must have a cool head for making million dollar deals.
With so much fat, you're going to snap under pressure.
Say goodbye to it all.
People who workout consistently are in shape.
Drop the “meat-head” mentality
That’s why he lost over 30lbs.
You can’t play the long game if you can’t walk.

You don’t have to go to that length to lose 30lbs.
All you have to do is grab my fat loss course “How to Look Good Naked”.
It has everything you need to know about how to get into the best shape of your life.
✅ How about never being embarrassed to take your shirt off in front of your girl again?
✅ Enhance your business with better cognition?
Click the link below to avoid his fate:

We can discuss whatever you want. Shoot the shit or six pack tips, whatever.
What are you waiting for?