This year, my first tale concerns the strange case of the Witch of Newbury... 1/
On closer inspection, it seemed that she stood on a board, and was able to skilfully balance as she moved about. /5
He told them to secure this woman, who must be a witch of some sort - not the sort of evil one wanted about. /6
Not knowing exactly what to do, tired and exhausted, they chose to summararily dispatch her against a mud bank. /7
Then men, terrified, with guns trained, debated what to do. All the while, the woman did not utter a sound. /8
The woman was promptly cut, at which point, she began to show fear. Only now did she speak. /9
One of the men put his pistol to her head & pulled the trigger.
This time, she perished. /10
What chills me, however, is the fear and superstition that drove tired & hungry men to murder a woman - probably a camp follower, or local reed-cutter - who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. /12
Don't fear witches, or ghosts, or the devil.
What creeps, grows and kills is fear itself. /FIN