What me to enable Java & Flash too so you can more effectively compromise my browser's sandbox?
That's what you're essentially asking for because that's how many ads are still served.
"Turn off that pesky protection"
How can tech sites, that are supposedly community focused, not see that's WHY it annoys their audience?
It's an all or nothing approach.
Pssstt! Hey kid? Did you know the least scrupulous ads also pay the most money & have the least rules about what content they can be displayed on?
That's arguably their bigger revenue model going forward.
This really isn't about "ads."
This is hilariously bad. There are so many other, better options. Get some content partners you like (*cough* PlayAsia *cough*) and link to them as part of your native page.
The view adblockers are somehow "stealing" content is a mindset of a boomer executive who has to get their son to work Facebook.
This is one of the most devastating owns I've seen in a long time.
To agree users who have basic security measures in place are "the opposite of customers" is staggering.
I wonder how forcing your users to get malware best serves a more inclusive future.
Imagine thinking you were going to be a creative writer effecting social change, then ending up making top 10 lists about Fortnite dances.
I almost pity them.
-Scrump out