--Reality: Not even close. Beto had 56,187 direct donations, plus another 44,456 individual donations through ActBlue.

--Reality: According to the FEC data, 12,489 contributions came from outside TX. This excludes the ActBlue contributions, since they aren't flagged with a state.

--Reality: 12,489 out of state contributions accounted for $4.4 million

--Reality: Not even close. Beto raised $12,670,671 directly and another $5.8 million in individual donations processed via ActBlue

--Reality: Hey, these ones are pretty close. 35,379 contributions totaling $3,323,321.

--Reality: Wrong. Beto had 43,698 in TX. Cruz had 24,732. Hmm, one of those is close, the other isn't.

--Reality: Wrong. Beto had $8.2m, Cruz had $3.3m

Beto - 56,187 + 44,456 from ActBlue
Cruz - 60,111
Beto - $12.6m + $5.8 from ActBlue
Cruz - $6.6m

Beto - 43,698
Cruz - 24,732
Beto - $8,238,408
Cruz - $3,335,905

Beto - 12,489
Cruz - 35,379
Beto - $4,432,262
Cruz - $3,323,321

Beto - 3,560
Cruz - 5,418
Beto - $1,414,073
Cruz - $430,885

Type in Beto. Type in Cruz.
Click 2017-2018
Click Itemized Individual Contributions
Change the Transaction Time Period to 7/1/17-6/30/18
--Column K - Filter for Individual only
--Column V is the contributor state. Filter that to get TX, CA, or don't filter to get everything.
This inaccurate article is being passed off as legit when a news organization pushes it out. We have to do better.