The current song is called the Poltava Nigun
We will be studying a mishnah in their honor. Something done traditionally in honor of those who have died.

"We must turn grief into acts of comfort, solidarity and pride."
The rest you will see when you get there, he was told. #Kinus
"I have problem," he said, "And now I see you" #Kinus
Read the full story here: chabad.org/therebbe/artic…
Together we can fulfill the Rebbe's dream of this being a world of goodness and kindness
They're speaking about their grandfather, who survived the Nazi invasion of Austria
"The Rebbe took us, young boys, American boys, and gave us so much attention. He was out father."
They went to Milan, Italy.
They are celebrating 60 years of being emissaries in Italy.
Mr. Yitzhak Mirilashvili is responsible for this amazing partnership. He is tonight's keynote speaker. #Kinus
Instead he sent the best, the brightest and strongest of chasidim - sent on a one way ticket knowing they'd only return when Moshiach comes #Kinus
Read about him: chabad.org/news/article_c…
"A hug I still feel until today."
Watch Rabbi Weinstein's many videos for Chabad.org
If there is a Jew who, for whatever reason, finds him or herself in the state of Utah, it is my obligation to reach out to them. #Kinus
This event is a year in planning.
abbi Tzvi Greenwald, 86, Mea Shearim-Born, British Mandate-Fighting, Kibbutz-Visiting Chassidic Educator
Beside every great shlucha, is a shliach #Kinus