🌸 feed off the thrum of constant failure
🌸 get used to seeing your worst flaws amplifies
🌸 eat shit for everything on the daily, write many eloquent apologies
... then maybe you should consider the glamorous job of startup CEO
I don't even hate being CEO anymore (or at least it's been a long time since I stopped to think about hating it, so...let's round up).
I'll probably even enjoy it in retrospect. Lord knows I hated every minute of being an engineering manager, until I was no longer doing it. Only then was I able to digest and process it
* fights hard
* hits hard
* pathologically persistent
* extremely blunt
* extremely literal, lack subtlety
* intolerant of authority
* immune to (most) expectations
* all in or all out; no middle ground
Cue clichéd realization: also my strengths
As a CEO, I have to fight my nature every day to deploy them intentionally, strategically. It takes a lot more emotional range; it's frankly tiring trying so hard to moderate all the time.
I haven't even *begun* to figure how to guard my Introvert batteries from the relentless drain of meetings, let alone how to feel flow or mastery or occasional mere competence
(This gets some weird looks, but I don't know how to explain it any better. I would have made a GREAT martyr/saint)