now that i have your attention, let’s talk about the crypto market puking up 20% across the board yesterday 🤮 (thanks to @CNBC for the headline inspo - writing clickbait is fun!)
as my biz partner @dannylmasters pointed out earlier this year - history rhymes - and nothing goes up in a straight line forever 👇🏾…

- crypto is in crisis (unless you're bitcoin)
- the market knows it, and eased some of that pain. we have to look beyond the assets themselves for value creation.
- building a less centralized financial system is going to take a long time. plan wisely.
- over 80% of cryptos have less than $10MM in 30-day trade volume
- code commits in the low double digits last quarter
- only a few hundred tsxns per day, if that
(see @onchainfx)
numbers don't lie. many assets are trapped in a vicious spiral.
- in the assets, especially networks w/ proven governance
- in the new companies building infrastructure and services
- in the funds and asset managers providing exposure
- in publicly traded co's
@RyanRadloff does the math 👉🏽…
for now, our collective hopes and fears are expressed as speculative price moves.
projects don’t die the way companies do, and the arc of time is long.
we can't pinpoint *when* that shift will happen, but here at @CoinSharesCo - we believe it's inevitable 🚀