An easy breakdown of why Tom Cotton is not only WRONG but Dangerously WRONG on the #FirstStepAct
1. The act is modeled after state reform that reduced recidivism. IE He is PREVENTING a bill that REDUCES crime and INCREASES public safety…

But, these people will GET OUT ANYWAY, the question is HOW not IF they will return. Mr. Cotton is supporting "scary people" returning With NO programming…

#FirstStepAct and also my friends scroll up 👆👆👆@ACLU @ACUFforJustice @NAACP @RightOnCrime @USJusticeAction @cut_50 @VanJones68 @tolmanbrett @shonhopwood @FreedomWorks

Release without programming is MORE dangerous than early release with programming (and remember it is early release to supervision, the entire sentence is still carried out)