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Joshua B. Hoe @JoshuaBHoe
6 years ago, 16 tweets, 11 min read Read on Twitter
Every person who knows someone in prison should discontinue subscribing to your publication.

Your argument: b/c the government can't pass a budget people in prisons should not get one of their ONLY special meals of the year

CO's can eat out 365 days a year - We are NOT PROPS
Other problems:

1. Did they interview ONE former or current prisoner about the state or food or about the importance of special meals - EVEN ONE?

2. Why is @USATODAY carrying water for this Correctional Officers Union uncritically @glennEmartin @JustLeadersUSA @ShakaSenghor
Another way to put how gross this article was ..

What GOOD would have come from denying people in prison their special meal?

How would that have helped the correctional officer get paid OR made the prison better off?

You never even asked @USATODAY
Even more amazing to me is that @USATODAY was RT this story as if they are PROUD of it....If so, they should have to defend it. It has been hours and hours (I first wrote about this story last night) and I am still mad
The sad truth (about this and so many other articles), the Press talk a good game "The fourth estate"...but in reality, they often write lazy - poorly researched articles full of cheap shots against people w/o the ability to fight back

That is changing
And now another paper decides to print an uncritical article with the exact same quotes - without ONE quote from a current or former prisoner and without ONE quote about why special meals matter - SHAME on Peter Sblendorio and the @NYDailyNews NOT OKAY…
And now @NBCNews piling on, again:

1. They did not interview ONE justice impacted person
2. They demonize prisoners while acknowledging prisoners are not to blame
3. They do nothing to explain how denying a holiday meal would fix ANY problems…
Shame on @NBCNews, @anblanx (labeled as an investigative reporter who didn't ask ONE impacted person a question), @TammyLeitnerNBC (Emmy winner who did not think to question the premise), @richschapiro (another investigative reporter who did not investigate)
Now the Washington Post gets in on otherizing people in prison - shame on
@CleveWootson for contributing to this ongoing ugly clickbait sham #cjreform…
Even more disgusting is the picture - I 100% guarantee that picture is not from a federal correctional facility - prove me wrong @CleveWootson @washingtonpost - DISGUSTING that you included that picture from your stock photos if I am right
Basically, @USATODAY wrote a story, the @NYDailyNews, @NBCNews and the @washingtonpost all joined in - because it was EASY - not okay.

What in the WORLD did the people in prison do to cause correctional officers - who get paid even more in the BOP - to suffer from the shutdown?
We have written a letter @usatodayopinion @washingtonpost @NYDailyNews and @NBCNews with over 30 prominent activists and organizations in opposition to this story you are all running about holiday meals in Federal Prisons (this is not the whole list) #cjreform
Update: Our response letters have been sent to the editors at @USAToday and @washingtonpost - it includes the list of 65 activists and organizations who signed on to oppose these awful articles

Special thanks to @candoclemency @KathyMorse0914 and @ChandraBozelko
Sadly, all of the papers are moving in to get a piece of one of the most immoral and unethical stories I have ever seen, congratulations to the @ajc for jumping on this ugly bandwagon too (shame on you)…
So, @Jared_Leone why didn't you try to interview one inmate former inmate, activist, or impacted person before filing your "steak" article with Cox or the @AJC - there are 66 prominent activists and organizations who are furious about this and you asked NONE of us???
Also, @ajc where did you get that picture from - which federal facility? We would love to know. Or will you admit that picture is entirely misleading?
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