Your argument: b/c the government can't pass a budget people in prisons should not get one of their ONLY special meals of the year
CO's can eat out 365 days a year - We are NOT PROPS
1. Did they interview ONE former or current prisoner about the state or food or about the importance of special meals - EVEN ONE?
2. Why is @USATODAY carrying water for this Correctional Officers Union uncritically @glennEmartin @JustLeadersUSA @ShakaSenghor
What GOOD would have come from denying people in prison their special meal?
How would that have helped the correctional officer get paid OR made the prison better off?
You never even asked @USATODAY
That is changing…
1. They did not interview ONE justice impacted person
2. They demonize prisoners while acknowledging prisoners are not to blame
3. They do nothing to explain how denying a holiday meal would fix ANY problems…
@CleveWootson for contributing to this ongoing ugly clickbait sham #cjreform…
What in the WORLD did the people in prison do to cause correctional officers - who get paid even more in the BOP - to suffer from the shutdown?

Special thanks to @candoclemency @KathyMorse0914 and @ChandraBozelko