For those unaware, the Ontario Gov't has introducted today Bill 66: Restoring Ontario's Competiveness Act and it is... well... big and scary…
To start, here is a list of the proposed changes (among many others to many other acts):

The 2-year ZB amendment holiday
Public notice & consultation
Prescribed reports & studies
Refusal due to deficient info
Alternative dispute resolution
🚨 All forms of appeals to LPAT 🚨
Go look yourself (scroll to (…
People. Will. Die.
from cholera, e.coli, chemical poisoning, among other horrid diseases we eliminated
Alas, we still have 6 more Acts' worth of exemptions to go through...
Thus, defeating the purpose of said controls as communities that drove the regulation in the first place will now line up to be exempted!
They also have essentially given a poison pill to Toronto. Pass the OFBB so developers can run wild, and let Tory avoid raising property taxes by allowing him to toll a very lucrative Allen, Gardiner and DVP.
Ford is Palpatine, municipal councils are the Stormtroopers, and the poor hapless worn-down planner is the Jedi.