Just check their patents!
Small thread with thanks to @jashkenas 👇
1⃣ Facebook wants to track your eye movements
using special infrared LEDs that shine into your pupil & cornea to determine gaze patents.google.com/patent/US20180… #Facebook #privacy
to generate sentiments and “trust scores”
and use the resulting data sets from trusted users
to train a machine learning model
patents.google.com/patent/US20180… | #privacy #facebook
to manipulate people..
An interface is then exposed for “Political analysts” or “marketing agencies“ patents.google.com/patent/US20100…
Cambridge Analytica will like that.. 🤔
even if you're smart enough to turn off GPS:
They will try to get it from a nearby “RFID reader, NFC system, Bluetooth device, MAC address of your router, or the device’s Wifi ID“ patents.google.com/patent/US20170… | #Facebook #Privacy
For example, “food allergies and favorite foods” or “a list of books recently read” patents.google.com/patent/US20170… | #Facebook #privacy