Thread by @arpithadesai who volunteers at IFF to #ELI5 this complex issue! 1/11
An intermediary is anyone who receives, stores or transmits an electronic record on behalf of someone. Includes your telecom provider, social media websites, e-commerce sites & search engines. Big, small and tiny.
[Nope, not the colony gossiper] 2/11
But, why? Because they facilitate free speech of end users. 3/11
Yes, they may need changes, but what’s a sound policy approach to them? Well we have the Manila principles! 5/11
1. Intermediaries should be shielded from liability for third-party content. Intermediaries should not be strictly liable for unlawful third-party content which it has not created/modified. They must never be required to monitor content. 6/11

Read more about these tests in the privacy judgment. 9/11…
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