If you're in media and wondering if this needs more coverage, here's your answer. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy
I've you're planning to opt out, I'd suggest maybe not doing it today, but definitely not waiting too long.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
As a journalist with strong interests in tech and privacy, I really want to see the system for myself. Kick its tyres and experience its flaws and limitations personally. But ...
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
The one that tipped the balance is that it's impossible to have your record removed once you have one. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy
To my knowledge it's little more than a document store at this point. 'Flinstonian' feels like an apt description for such a system.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
And don't these problems all have better solutions than MHR? #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

Except you can't. Record access logs only available by organisation—a fact left out of the FAQ but uncovered by diligent reporting by @arielbogle abc.net.au/news/science/2… #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

But the bit that's left out of that is that it only happens the *first* time a new *organisation* accesses it. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy myhealthrecord.gov.au/for-you-your-f…
Except that the entire scheme is run by the government.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
But if that is the case, why does the law authorise it?
The patient would be informed 'if it was relevant'.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
And you have to monitor it manually because alerts are only sent for the *first* access via each organisation. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

Default privacy permissions are very powerful, an issue explored at length by investigations into Facebook.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
The case for opting-out: theconversation.com/my-health-reco…
The case for opting-in (i.e. doing nothing): theconversation.com/my-health-reco…
I might post some analysis of each piece tomorrow if I get the chance.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
Looks like @OAICgov has even more work is not properly funded for.

I'll start with the case for doing nothing, because it will be the longest. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

I don't see how anyone could claim this isn't a 'top-down "grand plan"'.
No evidence is advanced for the assertion that it's more responsive to needs of consumers and health professionals. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

But what kind of research is undefined.
You can opt-out of that but you have to take an explicit action to do so. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

First, this is simply untrue.
PCHR was the subject of at least two data breaches assessed by the Privacy Commissioner theregister.co.uk/2014/10/29/aus… #MyHealthRecord #Privacy

It's correct that there are a lot of potential benefits from linking systems and data, but there are already well known privacy failures around this data. oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/co…
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy

Secondary use should also be explicitly and separately opt-in for each case.
Privacy controls should be private by default. Don’t give 10s thousands access by default #MyHealthRecord
Nearly a million people will be able to access your record without asking. #Privacy

The power of defaults to unexpectedly compromise privacy should not be underestimated.
#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
#MyHealhRecord is now another big example of Au gov't project enshrining poor privacy in law and practice.
Follow for good insight into #Privacy issues.
@SalingerPrivacy @DrMoniqueMann @VTeagueAus @LiamPomfret