Following Tehran's students protest to the unaccountability of university officials on the death of 10 people killed in a bus accident, they call to an protest rally for Monday.
Sources say that security forces closed the main square fear of a new protest.
Students held a gathering in the campus of the Tehran Azad University’s Science and Research in protest for 3rd day to the unaccountability of university officials on the death of 10 people killed in a bus accident.

Following Tehran student's protest and in a ridiculous attempt, university officials have been washing the buses to provide as a new vehicles to the students.
The presence of older vehicles killed 10 students on Dec 25.
Sources say people starting to hold a gathering outside a university in Tehran.
Youth heading towards Enghelab (Revolution) Square.
Sources say people starting to hold a gathering outside a university in Tehran.
True when the regime's officials saying:" in substance, the collapse has already happened. It’s only the physical collapse that has not happened"
Protest rally outside a university in Tehran- Engelab square an important square in the capital.
Chant;" Don't afraid, we're all together"
The New Year will definitely see a fresh confrontation between the Iranian people and the regime.