Day 4 • Evening Session
He is Pastor Mensa Otabil,
Founder, International Centre Gospel Church
#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful

Our first introduction to God in the book of Genesis is that God is a creator - He makes things. He chose to introduce Himself as a worker, doer, maker and a creator. -@MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
He can not be contained in the thing He created. -@MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
God dwells in the spiritual realm and there is no distance in the realm of the spirit. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
The creation story portrays the preparation of the earth for human habitation.
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
The first thing God says to man is ‘to be fruitful'.
God empowered man to be fruitful and it is on this basis that man will be judged. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Being fruitful is more than being Holy or worshipping God. Righteousness is Fruitfulness. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
God created man in His image not as His duplicate. Man is God in image form; he is the apex of God's creation. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Jesus Blessed all that He came across, except the Fig tree. He cursed it because it lacked fruitfulness.
Jesus Blessed all, but cursed at the sight of unfruitfulness. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
‘Be’ is an active verb, which is a call to existence, a command to obey. When God says ‘Be’, He has given you what it takes to ‘Be'.- Dr @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
👉Fruit of the womb
👉Fruit of thoughts(words)
👉Fruit of the spirit.
In the process of bringing forth, there has to be a seed and a womb. The womb receives the seed, multiplies it and delivers it.-Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Fruitfulness is a requirement for man.
Within every fruit, there is a seed and within every seed, there is a fruit. - Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
There is nothing that God creates that does not have a seed. This is God’s covenant with humanity. -Dr. @MensaOtabil
#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful

#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Thank you and Good night •
#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful