But these institutions and businesses sadly have not lived up to its mandate.
The military didn’t care per se, since it served their ends well. But with the reemergence of democracy in ‘99 it became obvious that privatization...
And that is a good thing. Here’s why...
Just consider NITEL
Today, I’m pretty certain you own a phone line which is not powered by NITEL
I bet you couldn’t care less of what became of NITEL and its investors. It’s their business to make their business work right?
But Buharists are trying to poison your mind.
See, calm down. It’s for our good. What happened to NITEL will happen here too. Nigerians will benefit.
Think. How many people did the privatization of NITEL affect...
I don’t know about you but if I have to lay a few thousands off to create employment for tens of thousands I’ll do it. It’s a no brainer.
Plus, if government hands off NNPC and its buyers decide to be inefficient whose lose is it? Conversely, if they perform then they merit the reward they get!
Personally, I choose the former and don’t care who it’ll be sold to provided two conditions...
If the buyer chooses to be incompetent I wouldn’t care much since there’d be alternatives. If he doesn’t then good for him.
I once heard a rumor OBJ owns part of MTN but I don’t care.
Don’t let anyone deceive you.