Why is the routine use of intermittent pneumatic compression for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in medical ward patients a #TWDFNR?
This thread is meant to complement the recently published article appearing in @JHospMedicine
First, a question: how often do you use intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) for venous thromboembolism in medical ward patients?
One reason why you might be inclined to use IPC: it has proven effectiveness in high-risk populations (e.g., surgical, trauma, stroke).
For pulmonary embolism:
RR 0.48, 95% CI [0.33-0.69]
NNT = 63

As Holleck and Gunderson write in their paper, there are other reasons why IPC may be non-beneficial and/or harmful, including...
✔️poor adherence
✔️potenial increase in falls and skin breakdown
...among others.
Holleck and Gunderson end their review of IPC to prevent VTE in medical ward patients with five recommendations.
Not convinced that intermittent pneumatic compression is a #TWDFNR? Read the full article for a more complete argument!