What else is 18 US Section 2 doing in the heading?
He didn't elaborate on the evidence backing it up, but there are hints.
All the evidence does not have to go into a charging doc.
See next tweet for screen shot.
Section 2 is at the end, but it isn't a typo because it's mentioned again in paragraph 41. Besides, there will not be a typo.
Here's what section 2 means: law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18…

Aiding and abetting implies a larger interpose with other principals.
Okay so what about that "was directed"👇?
Who did the directing? And who were those senior campaign folks?
cont. . .
There's also evidence of aiding and abetting a cyber crime (see 👇conspiracy to disseminate hacked emails)
But the aiding and abetting seems to be about obstruction (Paragraph 41.)