In modern society, I only engage with it from one perspective, a very disturbing and sad one. #QAnon
In our world, China, Mexico, Russia, and many other countries are secretly salivating at our moral decay and civil war happening today. They love the abortion debate. #QAnon
Today we only understand Darwin as the progenitor of "competition in nature", I read "The Origin of Species" in it's entirety, sadly misunderstood:
Remind you of anything? #QAnon
The great argument, all derived from Darwinian ideals. #QAnon
We're either hyper predatory against each other, or a bunch of flower children living in a commune, pitted against the mean cut your throat world of capitalists.
And yes, it's actually hard to argue against it. #QAnon
The reason it's compelling? Well, yes, it's true unwanted kids are a drain, statistically, many ending up in prison. #QAnon
See my point? It's a vicious cycle...
This is the Orwellian act of radicalizing citizens thru intentionally fooling them about their underprivle.
And leftists can't see the contradiction. #QAnon
In our modern society, the death penalty is immoral, but abortion is not. Ok. #QAnon
This is not what Darwin was communicating. #QAnon
We have a huge body of ideas to draw from...
We did not get this far by suppressing ideas. Truths are self evident.
There's a competition in nature, but also a partnership. Self evident:
If we ate all the food on the planet, we'd die. #QAnon
A very deep subversion. We're sold a cut throat version of life that suggests getting ahead is innately immoral, the reason that psychopaths hold the more prominent positions in society. #QAnon
Does this remind you of Capitalism? And how it is hated?
Maybe it's because the "Democrat Socialist" crowd doesn't grasp that Capitalism requires partnership. #QAnon
In the face of this decay, the genuine desire to compete fairly, in a moral society, cannot happen. #QAnon
Define genocide. #QAnon
Who needs abortion when you genocide your own race?
Unity, not division. #QAnon