Follow this THREAD for insights into our discussion about environmental journalism then and now 🌿🌎👇#writingforchange

How can we stop #climatechange? Can journalism help? What made past media campaigns successful? How many reports can readers take before becoming indifferent? What is the right mixture of emotional & rational appeal?

🙄 #bibleprophecy #plasticplanet #writingforchange

"Use short sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative. Eliminate every superfluous word."

This is what environmental humanities scholars discuss today and tomorrow @CarsonCenter:…
"The responsibility was never just me dancing through Europe with a bright spark of ideas. My articles had to fit into a bigger picture designed by many others." #writingforchange
Training in any scientific method is good for every journalist: It's how you learn to read studies. But in general, it's more important to know the tools of reporting." #writingforchange
"Quite the contrary, there is a real need for quality journalism. This is why more and more good publishers will install fact checking departments like we have them." #writingforchange #Relotius