- If you prefer blog form + more detail blog.rechargepayments.com/current-trends…
- If you prefer a summary, read 👇
Be careful of the paid marketing addiction andrewchen.co/paid-marketing…
- Dr. Axe's investment into content marketing & seo
- @moiz & @native_cos creating a SKU specific for referrals/virality
- build distribution into your product on day 1 --> @mduboe
If not, try upselling to your most loyal customer segment (subscribers). Check out getarpu.com (disclaimer: my app)
- My plug: increase LTV via upcoming orders with my app getarpu.com
- This stuff isn't easy. Learn from the source, follow: @babakazad @bbalfour @andrewchen @mrsharma @david_perell @2PMinc