I’d like to talk about leadership and governance.
And the compass, the navigation, the travel, and the corrections.
If you want the whole thing immediately, here:
Sometimes the metaphor actually involves movement: Humanity moved from the earth to the moon.
Sometimes the metaphor is figurative: The United States "moved" from legal slavery to abolition.
The order is very important.
But before that moment, there is the actual trip.
We began HERE. We moved until we got THERE. One foot in front of the other. We set sail and kept going. The aircraft cut its way across the sky.
The travel.
We ARE here. We WILL GO there. Here, after study and research and consultation and testing and training, is how we’ll do it.
The navigation.
We ARE here. We SHOULD BE there. We will go there, in that direction, as opposed to all other directions.
The compass.
Then comes the plan.
Then comes the actual trip.
But the trip may turn out to be something quite different than the plan.
More often, esp. if the destination is an ambitious one, or the path long, there are challenges and setbacks and unforeseen difficulties, requiring delays and divergences and detours.
A successful correction requires the same tools that motivated the original trip: the determination to arrive at the destination, then the plan to do it, then the actual travel.
In that order.
The navigation determines the route.
The route leads to the destination.
In that order.
The order is key.
You may even learn of a better destination on the way.
But first you have to actually decide to move.
You wouldn’t begin travel before you’d figured out how to get there.
It wouldn’t work.
So now let’s talk about leadership and governance, and the magic trick that gets played on us over the difference.
Like 50% of the wealth in the hands of a few hundred people among billions. Or a medical system that only cares for those who can pay. Or millions of people without homes in the world’s richest country.
It could be anything.
Let’s pretend there was a climate disaster that threatened extinction of life on the planet.
Say the evidence was incontrovertible.
Say early effects were present and observable.
try to imagine this
And let’s say as a result, there were a lot of people who didn’t want to do it.
Again, try to imagine.
Hard to imagine, right?
We’re not yet at the point to start enacting a plan we haven’t yet decided to make.
We’re not at the point to argue about the specifics of the plan—though we need a plan!
What we need is the determination to move.
We need the compass.
Leadership statements are compass statements.
It’s a compass statement. It’s a declaration about direction for coordinated human movement.
You might disagree with this statement. If so, you have some options regarding how you might respond.
You might claim that it’s too early to move. You’d say, “the science is uncertain.”
You might claim it’s too late to move. You’d say, “human activity isn’t causing it.”
But remember: there’s a magic trick.
They’d say things like “The Green New Deal is unrealistic.”
That’s a matter for the challenges of navigation and travel. We’re not there.
We’re making compass statements.
Nothing is more "unrealistic" than something we've decided not to do.
And we've done any number of unrealistic things, by deciding to do them.
It says it w/more subtlety, but it still says it.
And it’s OK to point out that the navigation is off.
But when one does so to close off or delay the compass, then it’s the magic trick. Leadership disguised as governance.
Else, it's an opposing compass statement.
You can use the enormity of the challenge of the problem facing us as a reason not to start.
And it reveals all the people who have been refusing to make them.
Everything he's ever said communicates very effectively: This WILL be a white supremacist country ruled by the wealthy.
A popular direction, for some.
They're right to call it a metaphor.
It's about pushing people out of this country for good, and never letting them back in.
That's why it's so important to Trump's base.
They understand the direction.
Magic trick. “Medicare for All” is a compass statement. We WILL care for everybody’s medical needs, because that is what a civilized society does.
Magic trick. “free college” is a compass statement. We WILL invest in universally accessible education, because that strengthens our society in ways that benefit everyone.
Magic trick. We WILL minimize gun violence. Letting our schools become war zones is unacceptable.
Magic trick. Open borders are a sign of free, friendly mutually-beneficial relationships between nations and should always be our goal.
Militarized officers rounding up undesirables have no place in a free society.
Magic trick. We ARE going to drop literally everything else to address a potential extinction-level crisis, because of course we are, my god, what the hell is wrong with you?
And watch everyone’s hands closely.

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Free of strife.
Free of contention.
Free of need.
Free of suspicion of one another.
And thus free of all the fears that would make us want walls and patrols.
You know: free.
This is a compass statement.
Compass statements are leadership statements. You can track the results.
We're deciding whether or not there even will be a response.
There's a side that doesn't want to respond. We need to call attention to that fact repeatedly, so we can get them out.
We need to win the compass.
A partnership with those who don't want a solution won't create a solution.
Is the problem.